Windows 7 Will Now Run on Intel Skylake Hardware

Posted by Phone Help Desk
Jun 16, 2016

As per latest announcement of Microsoft when you purchase a new computer, it won't support Windows 7 OS. Microsoft has recently put out a statement regarding a change to its support policy according to which Intel’s latest Skylake processors are not going to be fully supported on the earlier versions of operating systems. Microsoft is now influencing the owners of such chips to upgrade to Windows 10 for full acquiring the support. As business persons and organizations are running towards Windows 10 as fast as they can but still they need more time to accommodate with this new OS. Phone-Help-Desk.Com is one of the best Windows 7 technical support provider.

This new policy doesn't mean that Windows 7 and 8.1 operating systems are no longer supported. As the two operating systems, software’s will still get updates in the upcoming years. But only if you use a hardware that goes well with those operating systems, then only you are able to upgrade and use this software. If you want further assistance than calling a Windows 7 technical support is the right choice to solve your Windows related issues instantly.

Microsoft free upgrade to Windows 10 was a grassroots for businesses organizations to implement the latest software. But still 55% of the world users are still using Windows 7 on their computer and laptop devices along with business organizations which consider it a constant and trouble-free operating system. Microsoft is still waiting for the resettlement to happen and waiting for more active users for Windows 10.While using the previous versions of Windows 7 or 8.1 if you confront any type of issue in adopting OS, then you can directly contact on Windows help desk phone number and get an immediate solution at very reasonable rates.

Companies adopt windows 10 at their own pace

The approach of using Windows 10 has partially worked as still some of the users are using Windows 7. But business corporations are accepting it.”Companies are generally positive toward Windows 10,” according to Steve Kleynhans, an analyst working in American research and advisory firm Gartner.

Read also Instant and Reliable Resolution to Common Windows 7 Problems

Widening bridge between hardware and software

Terry Myerson, executive vice president of the Windows and Devices Group at Microsoft in an interview, said that “We expect to see 300 million what we categorize as new PCs this year, and they want clarity as to where they can get fully-supported quality in those purchase decisions, “as PC sales are dropping but still some business enterprises are using them. Microsoft has provided an option for customers to buy latest version hardware that supports Windows 7 and 8.1. “If you really value reliability and compatibility above all else, then there’s the option of buying hardware with the platform that was designed for it,” he added.

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