Will Microinverters Work in Cold Weather?

Posted by Hassan Javed
Sep 5, 2023

Will Microinverters Work in Cold Weather?

Microinverters play a crucial role in converting the direct current (DC) generated by solar panels into usable alternating current (AC) electricity. While microinverters are designed to operate efficiently under various conditions, including cold weather, there are important factors to consider for extreme climates. This article explores the functionality of microinverters in cold temperatures and offers insights into important considerations.

Microinverters in Cold Weather

Microinverters are generally designed to function reliably in a wide range of temperatures. However, extreme cold weather conditions, especially in regions with high altitudes or high latitudes, can pose specific challenges to microinverters. It's important to understand how cold temperatures may affect microinverter performance.

Key Considerations for Microinverters in Cold Weather:

1. Ambient Temperature Range: Microinverters, like other electronic devices, have specified ambient temperature ranges in which they can operate without damage. It's essential to check the manufacturer's specifications for the minimum and maximum ambient temperature limits of your microinverter.

2. Temperature of the Microinverter: Unlike high temperatures, which can result in elevated microinverter temperatures due to internal heat generation, cold temperatures tend to accurately reflect the microinverter's actual temperature. Therefore, if the thermometer indicates a certain cold temperature, the microinverter's temperature will not fall below that reading.

3. Temperature Coefficient of Voc and Isc: The temperature coefficient of the open-circuit voltage (Voc) and short-circuit current (Isc) of photovoltaic (PV) modules plays a role in microinverter performance. As temperatures drop, PV modules may experience an increase in voltage (Voc) and a corresponding decrease in current (Isc). Understanding these coefficients is essential for matching microinverters to specific PV modules.

Calculating PV Module's Voc at a Specific Temperature:

To determine a PV module's Voc (open-circuit voltage) at a specific temperature (x), you can use the temperature coefficient of Voc and the temperature difference from the standard testing temperature (25). The formula is as follows:

Voc × (1 – |25 – x| × temperature coefficient of Voc)

For example, if a PV module's Voc is 54.80V under standard testing conditions, the temperature coefficient of Voc is -0.25%/, and the average winter temperature is -20, you can calculate the module's Voc at that temperature as follows:

54.80 V × [1 – |25 – (-20)| × (-0.25%)] = 60.97 V

In this scenario, if the microinverter's maximum input voltage is less than 60.97V, it may be at risk of damage in extremely cold temperatures.

Considerations for Maximum Input Current (Isc):

Similar to Voc, the maximum input current (Isc) of PV modules can vary with temperature. If the microinverter's maximum input current exceeds the PV module's Isc at low temperatures, it should continue to operate correctly. However, if the microinverter's maximum input current is lower than the PV module's Isc at low temperatures, it may not function properly.


Microinverters are designed to function effectively in a wide range of temperatures, including cold weather conditions. However, it's crucial to understand the specific temperature limits and coefficients of your microinverter and PV modules. In extremely cold climates, selecting microinverters that are suitable for low temperatures and ensuring a compatible match with PV modules is essential for maintaining reliable solar system performance during winter months. Consult with your solar system installer or supplier for guidance on choosing the right microinverters for your local climate.


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