Why You Should Include Video Marketing in Your 2019 Digital Marketing Budget

Posted by ITech 47
Jun 12, 2019

Video marketing has turned out to be an effective marketing tool of late; we believe that there won’t be any changes in 2019 as well. We believe that video marketing will become even more popular than it already is. These days just everybody loves watching videos, so why not try to reach your audience with your marketing video. Here are 5 convincing reasons why you should include video marketing into your 2019 digital marketing budget.

Consumer wish to see video:
You will only get the best results from your business by offering consumers what they wish. Right now it appears that they wish to see more videos.

HubSpot Research shows that over 54% of customers wish to see videos in comparison to other types of content (like email, social images, and blog articles). According to a report in 2018, 74% of all internet traffic came from video. Video is much more than the latest trend; it is taking over the web.

Video boosts conversion rates:
If you’re looking for more conversions on your landing pages & more engagement with your e-mail marketing endeavors, then video marketing is the best way to do so.

Statistics demonstrate that adding videos on home pages may boost conversion rates by 80%. Moreover, by simply adding the word “video” in your e-mail campaign’s subject line, you could boost your open rates by 19%. As per the report of Forbes, 90% of consumers believe a video aids them in making purchasing decisions whereas 64 percent of consumers believe that checking out a video makes them more expected to purchase.

Video boosts brand awareness:
The best thing regarding video marketing is it’s quite versatile. You’ve the luxury to make videos for many diverse purposes. You can make use of videos to boost brand awareness, brand engagement and encourage lead conversions.

For instance, one can make fun videos to show prospective consumers their brand qualities. Or, they can make informational videos for prospective clients who wish to know more regarding your services or products. You can also make more tactically targeted videos that guide visitors to a home page to make a specific action.

Video is affordable:
Another excellent thing regarding video marketing is that it don’t have to be dynamic, which entails you can make simple yet influential videos using your iPhone. The best thing is you can reach large customer base by doing nothing more than just uploading your content to the popular platform, YouTube.

Are you all set ready to get started with video marketing in 2019? If yes, then don’t hesitate to look for one of the best digital marketing services in Malaysia. They can help you with preparing a video marketing strategy for your business.

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