Why to believe that the machines will have intelligence?

Posted by TPV Construction
Aug 22, 2022

Recent development in the fields of software and electronics arises confidence about the growth in the robotics. Most basic reason for optimism is large-scale production of the computers. Robotic researchers, during the 1970's and 1980's, were provided computers capable of performing millions of instructions per second(MIPS). By the 1990's, the speed of processing instructions got an increase from 10 MIPS to 50,000 MIPS. Now, the system provided to the scientists has crossed all the previous speed of processing.

There are systems which are having the machine vision that can recognize objects, textures, patterns, and even the real faces. Even the personal computers consist of speech and text recognition. When it comes to calculate, computers have the power to solve million times faster than a human.

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