Why to Add Black Beans to Your Grocery List?

Posted by Lata T.
Feb 6, 2020

Black beans also known as turtle beans are classified as legumes. Black beans are grown in large quantities in the state of Uttarakhand  and are prized for the high protein and fiber content they have. Besides, fiber and protein, black beans also contain several other key vitamins and minerals and thus contribute to human health. People of Uttarakhand enjoy various recipe of black beans, and it is consumed largely in winter season. Here we will discuss the nutritional profile of  black bean and its health benefits. We will tell you how the people residing in Devbhoomi incorporate black beans into their diet and how you can add them to your diet.

Black beans are a great source of protein, as well as they contain saponins and quercetin that protect heart. Let’s take a look at all the potential health benefits of black beans:

1. Lowers Blood Pressure

Black beans are low in sodium and contain calcium, potassium and manganese, thus help to maintain blood pressure at a normal level.

2. Strengthens Bones

Black beans are rich in zinc, iron, calcium, phosphorous, copper and manganese, all of these contribute in strengthening bones, as well as building the bone structure. These nutrients are roughly stored in the bone thus our body has to get these nutrients through diet.

Phosphorous and Calcium contribute to bone structure, while zinc and iron contribute in maintaining the bone strength and elasticity of bone and joints.

3. Protect against Heart Disease

Black beans are rich in Saponins and quercetin which are known to support heart health. Apart from that, black beans contain vitamin B6, fiber, folate, potassium and phytonutrient that contribute to maintaining heart health or offer cardio protection.

4.  Diabetes Management

Black beans contain high amount of fiber and are a great food for type 1 diabetes people. Research has also proved that person with diabetes shall have high fiber diet for managing diabetes. Please take advice of doctor before you start consuming black beans, as the quantity to be consumed varies with the levels of diabetes.

5.  Improves Digestion

As black beans are high in fiber content, they help manage healthy digestion.

6. Prevents Cancer

Black beans are rich in Selenium, which prevents inflammation and tumor cell growth. Saponins found in black beans prevent multiplication of cancer cells.

7. Weight Loss

High fiber foods gives a sense of fullness, black beans is rich in fiber, which help reduce your appetite, and helps reduce weight.

Wrapping It Up

Black beans come with bundle of health benefits, many of which are discussed above. So, why one will not add them to their grocery list. If you are wondering from where to buy the black beans, get the purest form of black beans from the Devbhoomi. There are many traditional recipes from Uttarakhand that you can make using black beans, I would share some with you. stay tuned!

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