Why Signwriting is important for your business

Posted by Elliot Dean
Mar 12, 2019

Have you even been in the midst of businesses and just because of a sign that is strategically mounted, you end up buying from that brand? Signwriting is one of the best strategies that successful businesses have used to outshine the competition. You don’t have to know the size of the business to make a decision, but you only need to read their sign and it can leave an impression that lasts a lifetime.

Have you been struggling with numbers simply because your competitors have seemingly attracted all the visitors? One of the things you have likely not tried from a marketing perspective is a well-designed and conspicuous sign.

Following are some of the reasons you need one for your business.

Business direction

If your business is brick and mortar, then just like a guidepost, your customers need to be guided to the location. With a good sign, strategically placed along that busy street, you can be sure many will get to your business. Again, you could be new to the industry and the only way to ‘tell’ your prospects that you provide solutions is through proper signage. Still, people are always moving to a new location and with a good sign; you could generate an array of new loyal customers.  Get a good professional signwriting company to assess your business location and the offerings and thus do a sign.

Brand promise

Customers always want to be sure that you’re keeping your promise of standard services, quality products. Therefore, you need a clear and neat sign, which contains these promises. The sign must always look new and clean and where possible ensure that it has your business colours. If the sign is outdated or run down, this can turn off potential customers.

Introducing the business or a product

It could be that you are opening a business in a new location, either for the very first time or maybe you’ve moved to this new place. A clear sign would introduce the business to the people so that they are aware of your existence and want to know more about what you’re offering, This is huge for creating brand awareness and if people who see it find a solution in your business, they could form part of your loyal customer base. Maybe you want to introduce a new product to the market, a well-crafted signage containing the product image and great design would lead to high uptake.

Special occasions

Your business is not in oblivion, it is in the midst of people, there are special days like holidays or organised events. It is during ceremonies and special occasions that customers are ready to take action and buy a product. Therefore, with a good sign, with a good message of the occasion and ideally an enticing offer, you could see a strong uptake of sales. Take advantage of holidays like Christmas, New Year and major sporting events to capture the attention of the people through signs.

Online-offline connection

You have a business website, but the real business is in mortar and brick. Having a few digital signs would direct prospects to the physical shop. It is one of the marketing hacks that have seen very many businesses grow immensely within a short span.

Try using signs for your business and see the many customers that you could get in a very short time. Look for an experienced sign writer to do the work for you and your business will grow big time. 
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