Why Should Small Enterprises Embrace Network Firewall Security?

Posted by Sree Swaminathan
Oct 18, 2021

With the immense growth of technological architecture, businesses often suffer from cyber threats. That is the reason business’ network security is a top priority. Contrary to popular belief, network firewalls are not only for large firms and organisations. Any enterprise with an existing network should set firewall security, irrespective of their business size and industry. Every 2 out of 3 attacks are targeted at small enterprises because malicious hackers know that these companies have fewer resources and a dedicated team to manage network security.    

So, here are the main reasons why a small business should opt for network firewall security. 

Limits Malicious Traffic  

One major role of network firewalls like Sophos is that it checks all incoming and outgoing data to determine whether it is legitimate. A business network has a specific location, usually known as ports accountable for accessing different types of information. Sophos XG firewall offers consistent monitoring to inspect network system vulnerabilities, passing access to malicious intruders over time.    

Aware about Malicious Activity  

Not only network firewalls are accountable for tracking IPs, but they also identify whether a user or application is malicious. One of the prime reasons to embrace firewall security for small enterprises is to immediately let the business know about the ongoing unauthorised hacking activity against the network. It let the cybersecurity team be alert about the situation to take action and protect the system quickly.  

Secures Remote Login  

Today’s cyber hackers have advanced tools that can log in to business devices remotely. They can even control systems, steal information, and deploy several malicious programs and software by using advanced technologies. Employing managed network security services within an organisation help secure crucial business data against unauthorised access to network systems through the internet.  

Improves Network Performance  

One of the biggest concern today’s small business faces is appliance-based security. A malicious cyber-attack can significantly decrease network-connected device performance. Devices suffered from cyber threats not being able to process the increased volume of traffic. Moreover, due to cost limitations, many small businesses pick cost efficiency over network security. That is where Sophos Firewall is helpful, and it offers cost-efficient all-in-one security solutions.  

Protect Device from Phishing Attacks  

The security services offered by network firewall is a better fit for a small business network. The Sophos firewalls identify whether the system is linked with social engineering attacks like phishing or ransomware. If the system gets infected from such attacks, then the firewalls immediately block all outflowing data and generate a warning for the IT team to manage the situation. Along with these, managed network services empower greater visibility, exceptional security features and threat intelligence.  


Taking the above points into consideration proves Firewall security is a scalable and manageable technique to protect the business network.  Network firewall offers businesses a simple, secure and flexible way to safeguard organisation resources and also helps reduce the security compliance burden from enterprise IT team. 


Business ICT is a leading and trusted IT Consulting Services provider based in Australia. They have a team of dedicated and skilled experts that specialise in providing the best Sophos XG firewall Security services to some of the leading companies across the nation. Get in touch with the team to empower your business with the best firewall solutions. 

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