Why Love Addiction Is Dangerous?

Posted by Wayne Tan
Jan 11, 2018

Well, we all know how difficult it is to get over a breakup. As a human being, a breakup is one of the most difficult things you will experience in your life. In case if you believed that the relationship you just ended was “the one”, then it can be really difficult to get over it. In fact, you might be driven to self-destructive urges as well, as a result. So, getting love addiction treatment Illinois at the right time is crucial to get over a really bad breakup.

The special person is a myth

A lot of us believe that there is one special person for us. And believing in the myth of “the one” might have its drawbacks. If you believe that you are destined to fall in love with this special person, then it can result in disappointment and all other problems. Well, that is because of the fact that real life has no resemblance to any of these notions. And you might call this special person your “soul mate.” There are many other names in contention, too. Well, we all have been fed the one true love concept through stories we have heard during our childhood. Disney fairytales can be the perfect example here. But it is high time for you to understand the fact that this particular myth is a creation of the media. May be it is time for you to get love addiction treatment Illinois.

Fairytale is not the reality

If love addiction has become a big issue for you, then you should think about love addiction therapy Illinois. The problem starts when you take these fairy tales way too seriously. When you have a fixed point that you are definitely going to meet the special one, then it can be the root cause of a lot of problems in your relationship. You found the guy or girl of your dreams. And you are in a great relationship. And then suddenly, it hits you – the breakup. It can be really difficult to come out of the breakup. We see so many examples around us. And we all have that one breakup which still haunts us. It’s human to be in such a scenario. How to get over a bad breakup? It’s hard, for sure. But you can definitely come out of it with the right help. If you really observe closely, you will notice that you fall in love with multiple people throughout your lifetime. As a human being, you are capable of it. So, it is high time you bust that myth.

Love addiction

If you have been in love for a long time, you might develop “love addiction.” What do you mean by this term? Well, a love addict is a person who is addicted to romantic love. As a result, you constantly crave for it. This will force you to get into bad relationships, since you are unable to stay away from love. This addiction leads to a series of bad relationships. And that is exactly why you need to get help. Getting love addiction therapy Illinois might be really helpful.

The author Wayne Tan has written lots of blogs on the topic of psychological therapy and counseling. He has written extensively on love addiction treatment Illinois and love addiction therapy Illinois. His blogs will help you understand the need for therapy and counseling. Timely counseling can save lots of people from succumbing to their problems.

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