Why Is Your Cat Peeing Inside The House

Posted by Fizzion Clean
Mar 1, 2018
Even though you have trained your pet, cats and dogs can pee anywhere in the house, thereby making your otherwise beautiful and fresh-scented home smell like a toilet. Every pet owner has to deal with this stinky situation few times and try their best to stop their pets from peeing everywhere. There are many reasons for pets to pee wherever they may like in the house, but it is also important to get rid of the stubborn stains and odour that is likely to make life little difficult for your family members and guests.

Though the best way to get rid of the strong smell of cat urine is to prevent them from peeing inside the house. most pet owners use carbon dioxide cat urine remover to get rid of the stains and odour in a safe and non-toxic way. As a cat owner, you should keep a good-quality, non-toxic pet odour and stain remover in the house to eliminate them as soon as they happen.

Possible Reasons for Cat Peeing In The House

A cat that pees frequently in the house may be doing that of medical or behavioural reasons. Here are some possible reasons so that you can look for an effective solution.

Medical Reasons

Medical reasons are the most common cause for cat failing to control its pee. You should take your pet to a vet without wasting anytime as this could indicate some potential medical issues which are as follows..

Bladder Stones or Blockage: If your cat goes to the litter box far too often and exhibits any signs of pain and distress, like mewing and crying, it indicates that there are strong chances of obstruction. You should take your pet to a vet as soon as possible to prevent the problem from worsening. Only a qualified vet is in a best position to determine the exact cause of incontinence in your cat.

Urinary Tract Infection: Are you noticing that your cat has been peeing small amounts far too often in recent days? This could be the case of your cat having urinary tract infection.

Feline Interstitial Cystitis: This medial condition in cats do not allow them to have a time to run to the litter box as it causes cats to pee suddenly.

Behavioural Reasons

Cats experience some behavioural changes which you need to find out to prevent them from peeing everywhere.

  • If you have moved to a new house, have got a new pet or some guests are putting up at your place, your cat may feel threatened. Any changes in the usual environment of the cat may cause behavioural changes and have a negative impact on its training.

  • If you cat has developed the habit of peeing in a same spot repeatedly, it is because she has become used to do it. She can smell her urine at a same spot and that is her cue for peeing at the same place again and again.

  • You should know the difference between peeing and spraying. If your cat is spraying, she could be anxious and stressed.

Coming to conclusion, pet owners should be ready to face this unhygienic situation of pet faeces and urination stains and odour. Carbon dioxide cat urine remover is a non-toxic and eco-friendly way to get rid of pet odour permanently.
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