Why is cleaning your commercial solar panel important?

Mar 5, 2019

If you want your commercial solar panels to show high efficiency, you should get them cleaned on a routine basis. You can see a dip in their effectiveness due to many factors. Generally, the panels consist of solar cells covered by glass coatings for protective purposes. If these coatings become too dirty, the efficiency will be in question.

Before you get in contact with a commercial solar cleaning provider, you should find out whether the panels need cleaning or not. Here are a few ways to check:

Regular inspection – It is recommended to inspect the panels regularly, mainly in the areas where the weather conditions are extreme or unfavourable. You also need to check if there is a significant amount of dust or not. While you are conducting a physical inspection, you should also check the connections.

Use a monitoring service – You can also check the status of your commercial solar panels by using a monitoring service. With this service, you can continuously monitor the performance of the panels. You will come to know whether they are performing at optimum levels or not.

Some commercial property owners believe that commercial solar panel cleaning is a daunting task. But routine inspection and cleaning can save you in the long run.  The efficiency may drop depending on the level of dust or rubbish. Cleaning the panels every year would translate into more significant gains for the commercial property owners. 

There are many ways of cleaning commercial solar panels. Many prefer to clean them on their own after gathering some tips from online resources or their friends. But, it is always recommended to hire professional help to clean them. The professional service provider will have the right knowledge, skills, and experience to do the job right the first time. Compare a few different service providers to see how their services differ. While you may think all of them provide a similar type of service, they do vary in how they clean commercial solar panels, what supplies used, and whether they can give you other maintenance services or not. While choosing a commercial solar panel cleaning company, ask for referrals. You can contact previous customers to know more about their experiences with the service provider. 

 If you want your solar panels to perform at an optimum level, you should inspect regularly and get in touch with a reliable cleaning provider.

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