Why Human resource selection process is so important -HrhelpBoard
The HR selection procedure is the strategically planned approach developed by HR professionals and Apply by organizations when recruiting, evaluating and hiring the fresh workforce. The process generally initiates when jobs are posted internally and externally. Sometimes recruiting tools are used to draw top-qualified candidates for certain jobs. HR and hiring managers developed screening tools, such as applications, interviews, tests, background checks and reference checks and begin accepting applications.
Selection Criteria
One area of the selection process that is significant and sometimes under-valued is the development of screening tools. The ultimate goal of selection is to hire the candidate who is the best possible match for the job duties and the culture of the company. This makes using the right selection tools and developing them effectively vital. Careful job analysis helps HR professionals better align selection tools with the job. Only tools, criteria and interview questions that help yield the best hire should make it into the selection process.
Along with finding the best hire, cost efficiency and legal concerns are two main reasons why the HR selection process is so important. When companies make a bad hire, they pay to train and orient a person who ultimately may cause more harm than good if he performs poorly and negatively affects the workplace. The costs to replace a bad hire are astronomical in many industries. A Society Human Resource Management study showed that even an $8 an hour retail employee can cost up to $3,500 to replace because of the hiring, administrative and training costs involved. Legal Concerns
The U.S. has become known as a litigious society, making protection against discrimination lawsuits for hiring processes critical. This is another reason to closely align selection tools and criteria with job expectations. Any misalignment between the job and selection criteria could open the door for a candidate to claim discrimination. Laws such as Title VII and the Americans with Disabilities Act mandate equal opportunities for employees regardless of such traits as race, national origin, age, religion, sexual orientation, and disability.
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