Why Do You Need To Launch Your Business In Apple App Store?

Posted by Arun Goyal
May 10, 2017

The reach of Apple App store is increasing exponentially. It is undeniably impressive. In fact, it has left a transformative influence on many businesses including the start-ups. Implementing your business in iOS can be challenging and retaining customer engagement is also getting harder than ever before. The app usage is dominating the market of mobile marketing with its functionality and enriching UX. And, innovation of Apple has prompted revolutionary developments in this field. 

Here are the reasons for choosing this app store for launching your business:

Apple Has A Huge User Base:

Over the years, Apple has strengthened its user base by launching innovative products. On an estimate, over 130 billion apps have been downloaded from its store till date. It enjoys a lion’s share of the app market with 82.7% holding. 

Apple has been the real game changer by presenting fierce competition to Android. It takes your product to more than 16% users through its iPhone only and the figures increase with other devices. Hence, your iPhone mobile application can take your business to unprecedented heights.

Data Security:

The contemporary businesses are plagued by the cyber threats affecting their vital data. This data loss can negatively affect the revenues as well. As a matter of fact, maintaining and ensuring the consistent security of your firmware is a costly affair. If you lack the financial strength to uphold the security of your valuable firmware, Apple App Store can mitigate this challenge quite easily. This platform is pre-loaded with robust security features.

Enhanced User Experiences:

The design of Apple stores is based on the principles of improving customer experiences. It believes in the philosophy of building lasting relationships with its users. It helps to create value for the consumers through enriching apps making their life easier. As a result, businesses generate a loyal base of users who return again to the store. The user interface of iOS mobile app is enriching with minimal bugs and maximum functionality. This platform is compatible with all the devices developed by Apple. Hence, installing updates on its store is easier.

Brings Innovation and Quality:

Innovation is a way of life at Apple. The latest trends and technologies are integrated into its advanced products. It enables the creation of innovative apps that cater to the changing demands of the modern users. The high quality of apps is assured by the stringent measures taken on this platform for maintaining their superiority. It is a seamless platform allowing development of the world-class mobile apps.

Effective App Analytics:

In the domain of business iOS app development, it is crucial to measure the key performance indicators like user engagement and performance of marketing campaigns. The same can be effectively done by using App Analytics feature on iTunes Connect. Without any complex technical execution, you can understand the implication of your business apps.

Enhanced Revenues:

There are many financial benefits of launching an app on Apple Store. You needn’t pay the hosting fees and processing of your payments will be handled by Apple. It allows decent revenue generation for the businesses launching their apps on this platform. The quality software listed on Apple store fetches better price and appreciation.

Ease of Development:

In Android app development, you need to focus on multiple devices at a time. However, all your energies are harnessed for a single device in the case of enterprise app development. It reduces the amount of money and time spent on development, deployment, and testing of the app.


Since its conception, Apple App Store has emphasized on promoting the startup culture through its easy interface and market share. Hence, you must leverage this platform for taking your business to newer avenues of growth. In this regard, it is advisable to hire the dedicated iPhone app developers possessing the specialized programming skills. They can make you an integral part of this ecosystem taking your business to its extensive user base. 

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