Why do big brands choose AngularJS for their development projects?

Posted by Jayesh Paun
May 9, 2023

Companies like Google, Microsoft, and PayPal use AngularJS because of the many benefits it provides for their development projects. AngularJS Android app development has been shown to be effective, scalable, and powerful, making it a preferred choice for businesses that aim to develop advanced applications. Some of the most prominent reasons why well-known companies select AngularJS for their development projects are as follows:

  • Scalability

By separating enormous apps into more manageable pieces, AngularJS app development services make it possible to build complex applications. AngularJS is a great option for businesses that need complex, enterprise-level applications because of its modular design, which improves organization, maintainability, and scalability.

  • Performance

Large businesses can't afford to skimp on performance because it directly affects customer satisfaction and loyalty. Features like efficient two-way data binding, dependency injection, and ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation contribute to AngularJS's stellar reputation for speed. With these capabilities, AngularJS applications may operate swiftly and reliably, giving users a pleasant experience. 

  • Security

Large corporations place a premium on safety since they deal with sensitive client information and must adhere to stringent rules. Cross-site scripting (XSS) protection, CSRF protection, and strong authentication procedures are used by AngularJS mobile app development services. These security features ensure that AngularJS apps are protected and up to par with established protocols.

  • Developer productivity

The extensive collection of tools, libraries, and extensions available for AngularJS significantly improves the developer's efficiency and output. Two-way data binding, dependency injection, and reusable components help developers write less code, which saves time and money. MNCs value developer productivity because it enables them to launch products quicker and maintain a competitive advantage.

  • Cross-platform compatibility

Web, mobile, and desktop platforms are all viable options for deploying AngularJS apps. Companies with a large user base must have the capacity to reach people across a variety of platforms and devices. Using tools like Ionic and Cordova, AngularJS development company can build mobile apps that are compatible with all major platforms.

  • Strong community and ecosystem

There is a robust developer community around AngularJS, guaranteeing a steady stream of documentation, guides, and help. In addition, the framework is supported by a large community of third-party libraries, tools, and extensions that streamline and improve the coding process. This strong network and ecosystem provide big businesses with a plethora of knowledge and resources to tackle development challenges more efficiently.

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