Why Amazon Translation Services Are Essential for International Selling

Posted by Joe Lewis Lewis
May 27, 2024

The allure of international markets for e-commerce businesses is undeniable. Reaching a wider audience translates to a significant boost in sales potential. But this exciting prospect comes with a significant hurdle: language barriers. Customers are far more likely to buy from websites that present product information in their native language. Here's where Amazon Translation Services (ATS), or AWS Translation Services become essential tools for expanding your e-commerce reach globally.


The Power of Language in E-commerce 

Studies consistently show that language is a critical factor for online shoppers. According to a Common-Sense Advisory survey, 72.1% of web consumers spend all or most of their time on websites in their own language.  Furthermore, 56.2% of those surveyed claimed that the ability to read information in their native language was more important than price. 

Think about it from a customer's perspective.  Would you be comfortable navigating a complex website filled with unfamiliar product descriptions?  Unclear information breeds confusion and hesitation, ultimately leading to lost sales. 


ATS: Bridging the Language Gap for E-commerce Businesses 

Amazon Translation Services (ATS), part of the wider suite of Amazon Web Services (AWS), offers a powerful solution for e-commerce businesses looking to tap into international markets. It's a machine translation service that utilizes advanced statistical methods to convert text from one language to another.

Here's how ATS empowers your international e-commerce strategy: 

  • Increased Sales Potential: By presenting product information in the local language, you eliminate a major barrier for international customers. This translates to a more user-friendly shopping experience and ultimately, higher conversion rates.

  • Improved Customer Experience: Clear and accurate product descriptions build trust and confidence with international customers. ATS helps ensure your message resonates effectively across language barriers.

  • Global Market Accessibility: With ATS, you can translate your product listings, marketing materials, and customer support content into multiple languages, opening doors to new markets and customer segments. 

  • Cost-Effective Solution: Compared to traditional translation services, ATS offers a cost-effective way to translate large volumes of content. This makes it a scalable solution for businesses of all sizes. 

  • Seamless Integration: ATS integrates seamlessly with the Amazon Seller platform, allowing you to easily translate product listings and manage your multilingual content in one place. 


Beyond Basic Translation: The Nuances of E-commerce 

While machine translation has come a long way, it's important to understand its limitations.  ATS excels at translating information, but translating marketing copy and product descriptions requires a deeper understanding of cultural nuances and marketing best practices. 

Here are some additional considerations for a successful e-commerce translation strategy: 

  • Cultural Localization: It's not just about translating words but adapting your message to resonate with the target audience's cultural context. Humor, for example, may not translate well across cultures. 

  • Keywords and Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Consider keyword research for your target markets to ensure your translated listings are discoverable in local search engines. 

  • Professional Review: For critical marketing materials and customer-facing content, consider having a professional translator review the ATS output to ensure accuracy and cultural appropriateness. 


Amazon Translation Services (ATS) offers a powerful tool for e-commerce businesses looking to expand their reach globally.  By combining ATS's machine translation capabilities with a strategic approach to cultural localization and SEO, you can overcome language barriers and connect with international customers on a deeper level. This translates to a significant competitive advantage and the potential for exponential growth in your e-commerce business. 

Ready to unlock the potential of international markets?  Explore how Amazon Translation Services can help you bridge the language gap and take your e-commerce business globally.

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