When to Replace Your Water Heater?

Posted by Yamini Rai
Mar 11, 2022

Whether it’s for cooking, cleaning the dishes or taking a bath, you need a heater to warm up your water. Have there been any1 signs of trouble lately, though? That could mean it’s time to start shopping around for a replacement for your water heater. Before things get to that point, here are some of the telltale signs you need to look for.

Hot Water Tank Leaks

Is the hot water tank leaking? That means the water heater is nearly at the end of its service life. If puddles keep popping up around your heater, don’t wait until things get worse. Start looking for a plumber to carry out emergency water heater repair. The sooner you get help, the easier it is to nip problems in the bud. By preventing the problem from escalating, you also prevent any serious water damage to your property.

More Than 10 Years Old

The service life of a water heater is around 8 to 12 years. If yours has been around for about 10 years or even longer, it’s time to start thinking about having a replacement unit installed. Depending on the state of your water heater, yours might not even last for as long as 10 or even 12 years. Getting a replacement installed is one way to keep potential problems at bay.

Strange Noises

Are there any weird noises that issue from the water heater? That could be the result of sediment buildup in the unit’s components or parts. If there are cracking, popping, or rumbling noises, that spells trouble. Get a new water heater in place right away. The noises could mean that the parts of your heater are already on the verge of breaking. You don’t have any time to waste.

Rust-Colored Water

If the water coming out of your taps is the color of rust, that’s a sign of contamination. It means there’s been a leak in your water heater. You’ll need to have that checked as soon as possible. If you don’t, your heater could burst, leading to greater water damage.

Frequent Repairs

As your heater approaches the end of its service life, you’ll likely deal with repairs, one after another. Frequent repairs, though, are an indication that it’s time to ditch your old unit for a new one. A new heater will function with little to no problems, so you save on repair costs. Also, too many repairs mean that you’re only throwing money down the drain. Do the math. If the projected cost of the repairs is more than half of the price of a new heater, you know what to do. Get ready to buy a new unit.

Not Enough for Demand

If the water heater was installed a decade ago, while your family was still small, that’s no longer the case. With kids and pets, the heater might not be enough to handle the amount of heated water that your household needs. For the best results, start shopping around for a water heater for your system.
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