What to Avoid in Passport Photo?
Getting a perfect passport photo can be a tedious job if you are not aware of the things you must avoid in it. Very few people know that an improper photo can become the reason of your passport rejection, so here are the things you must avoid:
Do Not Smile
Give a neutral expression on your face for passport photos. It is advised not to smile or give any expression on your photograph if you want it to get it approved.
Do Not Pose
Avoid poses in the photograph to get the best angle in the photos. Sit straight with the face in center to get the normal angle of your face. Use a tissue or powder to soak the extra oil off your face, a slight shine on your face due to oil can be overstated by the camera.
Do Not Edit
Editing your photographs to make it different and attractive is not advised as per the passport guidelines. Use a color image on a white background instead. Wear contrast & dark clothes with no patterns so that the picture can be clear and without distractions.
4. Do Not Cover Head
Headgears are allowed only if you have any medical issues or due to any religious belief. But things like hat, bandana, caps are not at all allowed in passport photographs. Also avoid sunglasses or goggles in the passport photo, your eyes must be visible in the photograph.
Obtrusive Hairstyles
Hairstyles that includes eyes covering or face covering can become the reason of your passport rejection. Comb your hair so that there are no flyaway hairs. You can also use hair sprays or gels to make them steady. So, make it simple and elegant for first time approval.
Passport approval is not that hard as some people think. If you are aware of the points that you need to take care of, you are good. Passport photo is an important factor that can draw you back, the tips given above can help you in getting the perfect picture. If you do not want to get into these tips, you can contact any online passport photo service provider available on the internet. These websites solve your problem of finding a perfect photo booth and save your time to a great extent. You do not have to visit any place, just upload your picture from home on their website and they will take care of the rest. Many of them have more than 90% approval rate in the first time submission, so even this is not a bad choice.