What should you know before you buy herbal supplements?

Posted by Ashish Kumar
Dec 28, 2015
Herbal supplements, also referred to as botanicals, is the use of plants for medicinal purposes. For thousands of years, plants have been used for medicinal treatments. And, such traditional medicinal practices are broadly applicable even today. Even modern medicine has recognized herbal supplements as an alternative form of medication. Herbal supplement products that are characterized as natural, can also have drug-like effects.

It is important to do a good research and analyze the potential benefits as well as side effects of herbal supplements before buying. Let us here share some information about the same that may help you with a clear understanding of herbal medication.

Is herbal medication reliable?

Also known as dietary supplements, these are regulated by the FDA. Its manufacturers don’t require an FDA approval before bringing them into the market. Rather with supporting research, the companies can also claim their products to strengthen health, body functions as well as address certain nutrient deficiency.

Manufacturers should follow good industry practices to ensure that their supplements meet the necessary quality standards and are processed continually. These regulations are set to keep the inappropriate or false ingredients, out of the supplements. This insures the addition of the right ingredients in the suitable amounts.
Next is the safety of the dietary supplement, once it is there in the market. FDA is responsible for monitoring the same, and if it finds any kind of violation then it can call for an action against the manufacturer and/or the distributor. This can even call for issuing a warning or a need for removing the product from the market.
This supervision is an assurance for the herbal supplements to meet the necessary quality measures, and that FDA can involve to cut out unsafe products from the market. However, the rules are actually not a guarantee for the use of herbal supplements by anyone and everyone. As these contain active ingredients that can have strong effects on the body, so these can also sometimes pose unexpected risks. 

How to determine if herbal supplements’ claims are actually true?

Although not required to submit any proof to the FDA, manufacturers are still responsible to ensure that the claims that they make about their products are not misleading. 

Therefore, it is important to be a smart consumer and don’t just rely on the product’s marketing. It is essential to look for research-based information for evaluating product claims. Let us learn about a few ways to get reliable information about a specific supplement.

  • Explore scientific research findings, to help you make informed decisions about dietary supplements.
  • Communicate with the Supplements’ manufacturer or distributor. Talk to someone, who has facts or data to substantiate its product’s claims. 
  • Consult your doctor or pharmacist for medical guidance on the supplements’ uses and risks.

After this, if you believe that you have convincingly done your homework, so that you are ready to try an herbal supplement, then you can always check out a trusted Online Supplement Store.

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