What Should Be Considered While Choosing Hair Transplant Clinic in Mumbai?

Posted by Andrew Martin
May 21, 2024

You are familiar with the fast-paced and busy lifestyle in Mumbai. The city's increased pollution, changing lifestyle, and poor diet have led to a rise in hair loss cases. As a result, many people are turning to hair transplants as a solution to baldness. While previously seen as a procedure mainly for celebrities, the affordability of hair transplants has made it accessible to the general public. Over the past two decades, the popularity of hair transplants has been on the rise. Due to the high hair transplant cost in Mumbai, individuals often seek out more budget-friendly options without compromising on quality. Although hair transplant in Mumbai is known for its upscale, the average person may find it difficult to afford the procedure in the city.

Jaipur and Delhi have gained a significant reputation for their exceptional hair restoration industry, as well as being a cost-effective destination for hair transplants. Thanks to advancements in techniques and technology, the hair transplant procedure has become highly efficient and affordable. The availability of numerous clinics offering hair restoration services has made hair transplant increasingly accessible, thus making it a popular choice for individuals experiencing hair loss.

Hair transplant cost in India

The cost of hair transplant in India is significantly more affordable compared to other western countries. In India, the cost of the procedure is approximately 5 – 6 times lower than in western countries, ranging from 60,000 to 400,000 INR. This cost variation is influenced by several factors associated with the procedure. The most commonly used model to determine the cost of hair transplant in India is the per graft model, where each hair graft can range from 20 – 125 INR depending on the city and clinic.

Going for the best hair transplant clinic in Mumbai

Below is a comprehensive list of factors that must be carefully considered when selecting a hair transplant clinic:

1. Surgeon's Qualifications: The foremost requirement for any medical procedure, including hair transplants, is the surgeon's appropriate qualifications. It is crucial that the chosen surgeon has undergone advanced training in plastic surgery and possesses the necessary certification to perform hair transplants. Nowadays, verifying these credentials is a simple task that can be accomplished online with just a single click.

2. Surgeon's Experience: Experience plays a vital role in any profession, particularly in the medical field. A surgeon's level of expertise and perfectionism are closely intertwined, making it advisable to invest a little more for the best possible aesthetic outcome. When evaluating experience, it is important to consider not only the number of years in practice but also the quantity of cases handled throughout their career.

3. The surgeon's expertise: It is derived from their skills, knowledge, and experience. To ensure the credibility of the surgeon, it is advisable to check the website's photo gallery of previous patients' treatments, Google reviews, reviews on other websites, and official website testimonials. These sources can provide sufficient assurance regarding the quality of the outcome you can expect. Additionally, reaching out to individuals who have already undergone hair transplants and discussing their experiences would be highly beneficial. Nowadays, many web portals offer videos showcasing the level of operation performed by the chosen surgeon and the results achieved during follow-ups. Watching these videos can help alleviate your concerns, prepare you for the surgery, and reduce anxiety both before and after the procedure.

Technique: There are two primary methods for hair transplant:

1. Follicular unit transplantation (FUT), also known as the strip technique.

2. Follicular unit extraction (FUE).

When selecting a technique, it is crucial to consider specific indications and contraindications. Both procedures require expertise and experience, but FUT necessitates a larger infrastructure and a sterile operating room, unlike FUE, which can be performed in a smaller space with fewer tools. Some subpar clinics falsely promote FUE as the ideal procedure for hair transplantation. However, in reality, neither method is superior, as each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is important to avoid surgeons who solely rely on one technique and do not take a comprehensive approach.

Comfort and positivity: Feeling anxious and fearful during a medical procedure is normal, but being in a pleasant and positive environment can help you relax. If the medical staff is kind and caring, it can reduce your nervousness and make your experience happy and memorable. Before and during the operation, there will be many things to consider, so it's important to find a surgeon and their team who are approachable.

The clinic's confirmation from the medical board: To ensure further reassurance, it is advisable to verify the credentials and authorization of the clinic you have chosen. It is recommended to rely on authorities for this, as it is difficult to determine the reliability of clinics nowadays, as every clinic claims to be the best.

Now that you are familiar with the criteria to consider when searching for an ideal clinic, conduct your search carefully and avoid being swayed by misleading claims or offers. Choose the best clinic for you and proceed with confidence.
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