What Resources and Tools Private Investigators Find Very Useful During a Covert Investigation

Posted by Ivan Bell
Apr 27, 2016
In today’s times, spying or investigating someone covertly has become a healthy tool for finding out if someone is playing a different game behind the back and if he/she is indulging in some swindling activities.

But how do private investigators carry out their task? Since technology has become a key aspect in our daily life, it has also become a handy tool for private investigators to secretly keep an eye on someone’s activities and find the truth. Along with technology dependence, it is also the skills and self-methods employed by private investigator in Toronto, and other areas around the globe, that are highly useful during a hidden investigation.

Here, we will discuss about some of the tools and methods used by private investigators to find success in their job:

Computing devices

Computing devices are the most vulnerable personal gadgets as they can reveal a lot of information about a person through the world of World Wide Web. A private investigator looks through different databases to look for information related to employment, criminal past, credit history, and more, concerning the person in question. Lately, social media sites have also become valuable platform which can tell the investigator about what the person has been up to lately. Access to e-mails, voice mails, and texts are worthy factors, which can reveal a lot about a person’s real objective.


Private investigators are very skillful at gauging the ‘lies’ and ‘truths’ when talking with a person. They are body language experts, and can trick someone into revealing the truth with a complex trail of questions. The look for speech patterns, body gestures, voice tones, uneasiness of the people, and more such aspects during interviews to assess how much truth they are revealing or beholding.


There are many technically efficient trackers in the market today, used by police and other agencies, that private investigators also use cleverly to follow each and every step of the suspected person. These include GPS tracker, wireless cameras, mini cameras, audio recorders and more.

Covert Surveillance

Another, age-old, yet robust and significant form of investigation method is to physically and comprehensively keep a surveillance of the person physically, studying and analyzing each and every aspect of them, relative to the case. For this, they also incorporate high-end, varied-size cameras, specific to their method of surveillance.

Keeping a tab on their close aides and workplace

Most of the fraud cases, like insurance frauds, are carried out by suspects using some close friend or aide’s help. Private investigators know and understand this fact, and therefore expand their investigation to people related to the suspect. Investigators, in several investigation cases, keep a tab on who the person is meeting and then try to find their relation and objective of meet. Closely following a watch on the work profile and work-area of the suspect also helps the investigator to analyze, understand, dig and reveal facts and truth.

These are some of the ways employed by private investigators. The working mechanism of each and every service provider for private investigations in Toronto, and other places, is very secretive and puzzling, and includes their own inventive, secretive and mysterious ways to uncover the truth.
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