What is Vishing? And How to Protect from it?

Posted by Compare Cheap SSL
Oct 31, 2021

All of us at least ones got that phone call telling us we won the lottery of million dollars but when we try to get that so-called winning money they told us to give them our bank detail and that is what we called Vishing in technical terms.


The word vishing made up of two terms voice and phishing. Phishing is the word used mostly by cybersecurity professionals, meaning trying to get sensitive information about one’s bank account, credit card number, etc. through emails, dummy websites, or any other electronic communication.


So the word Vishing means trying to get someone’s personal information through the voice that is through phone calls.


How many kinds of Vishing is there?


There are numerous ways people can do Vishing. Some of them are as follows.




Bank frauds


In this kind of fraud, a person tries to get your bank details by saying your bank account is compromised.




Credit card frauds


In this scammer try to get detail of your credit card by saying they can give you an exclusive offer on your credit card.




Tax frauds


A fraud person can call you telling he is from the Income Tax Department and if you don’t file your Income Tax today only, you will need to pay extra charges. And then can tell you to file income tax with a given website. In this way, you will lose the money you put on to file income tax and your bank details.



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What is Vishing?

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