What is the Wooden Dummy for?

Posted by James Biggica
Jan 6, 2020

The wing chun wooden dummy is also known as the mook jungIt is one of the most popular martial arts training devices out there in the market. This tool is precise, which has come with the one purpose of positioning and footwork. The wooden dummy is consist of three arms and one leg that all extend from one long post. The first two arms are placed slightly apart and above each other to represent left and right punch aimed at shoulder/head height. The third arm is placed much lower to represent a low punch aimed at the users’ gut. The leg of the dummy is curved and angled outwards, representing traditional fighting stances that have one leg forward and one leg back. The wooden dummy is purposely structured to stimulate a real fighter in the closet way possible. Perhaps, the unique attribute of a Wing Chun dummy’s structure, however, comes from it is held. The dummy also has a subject to moving to the left or right, depending on the angle of the attack. One of the more modern dummy designs that we proudly present, even features of a dummy that can be either mobile, moving back to the side from every hit, or set to lock down in one position. 


Pros and cons of the wooden dummy:

  • The freestanding wooden dummy is a great dummy for those who live in an apartment as there is no damage to walls. There is also no noise and neighbors would most likely not be disturbed. However, the free-standing dummy lacks stability, but it is good for the people who live in a small space. 
  • An ideal dummy for home training as it is more compact than the traditional wooden dummy. The wall mount wooden dummy keeps the dummy in place and offers you great stability. But the back bar allows you to adjust as per your comfort level. This wall mount wooden dummy is available at the e-commerce platforms at the best rates. 
  • Another wooden dummy is a dummy with a recoil stand. It will always recoil to the centre position after being released. What this means is that deflection of the arms when blocked gives energy back towards the student. The role of recoil in this dummy to absorb energy and push it back. What this creates a better feeling for what real-life contact would like to be. 


Final Say:

We hope now you understand the working principle of the Wing Chun, if you are looking for a variety of wooden dummy, review our website. Here, you will get the comprehensive collection of the wooden dummies at the best rates. 


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