What is the treatment for Arrhythmia?

Posted by Saim Singh
Sep 11, 2018
Arrhythmia refers to a medical condition marked by irregular heartbeats. The Heartbeat of the patient is either too slow or too fast. Although the problem is not usually serious but in certain conditions it may lead to stroke or heart attack and prove to be very fatal. Arrhythmia can be caused by number of factors that include unhealthy lifestyle practices as well. The treatment procedure depends upon the type of Arrhythmia and is only required in case of chronic irregularity in Heartbeat. BLK Hospital which is the best heart hospital in India provides very effective treatment for the problem.

Arrhythmia commonly known as irregular Heartbeat or cardiac dysrhythmia is a cardiovascular problem that can affect people of any age group on sex. The problem is usually triggered by excessive consumption of alcohol, taking drugs and high content of caffeine, high blood pressure, hyperthyroidism, taking excessive stress, smoking, abnormalities in the heart caused by deformation during birth, aortic stenosis, pulmonary stenosis etc. Arrhythmia may also be developed in reaction to certain medicines. The problem is usually short term unless the patient is constantly subjecting himself to drug or alcohol abuse.

Arrhythmia has no specific symptoms and can be detected by a series of tests. In chronic cases, the patient might experience palpitation, dizziness and breathlessness. Sometimes the symptoms even go unnoticed.

Arrhythmia can be divided into four main categories Bradycardia, Tachycardia, Flutter or Fibrillation and Premature contraction.

Bradycardia is a form of Arrhythmia in which the patient's heart beats slower than the normal pace. The general symptoms include chest pain, fatigue, breathlessness, general weakness, palpitation and sweating. Before the treatment, the doctor needs to conduct a number of screenings and tests to detect the underlying cause of the problem and target it. If no underlying cause is found, the doctor may advice the patient to undergo pacemaker implantation. The pacemaker proves to be very helpful in normalising the patient's Heartbeat by generating electrical impulses.

Tachycardia is the opposite of bradycardia and the heart of the patient suffering from this problem beats faster than the normal pace. The general symptoms include fluttering in chest, light-headedness and breathlessness. The problem can be treated in a number of ways. Vagal maneuvers can prove to be very effective. These refers to certain movements that the patient has to do voluntarily in order to normalise the pace of heartbeats. Certain medications may also prove to be helpful. The doctors you also suggest cardioversion which involves the use of electric shocks to regulate the heart beats. Ablation therapy with the help of small catheters is one of the best methods to treat tachycardia. The procedure is minimally invasive and the catheter is passed inside the body through very small incisions. These are then moved towards the affected area very slowly and carefully. One in position, these are used to destroy the certain amount of tissues responsible for the problem. ICD (implantable cardioverter-defibrillator) can also be used to monitor the heart beat of the patient . In case the heart starts beating faster than normal pace, ICD compels the heart to beat at a normal rate. Artificially produced scars by a technique known as maze procedure also help to bring down the rate of heartbeat by creating blocks to guide the electric impulses. Surgical procedures like ventricular aneurysm surgery and coronary bypass surgery can also be opted in more severe cases.

Flutter or Fibrillation refers to irregularity in heartbeat and the symptoms are same as that of bradycardia and tachycardia.

Premature contractions refers to early heartbeats in which the heart tends to beat quite faster.

If you experience any of the symptoms it is better to consult a medical expert and get all the test done to ensure that the problem is not chronic and life threatening. People can live normally even with Arrhythmia and if proper precautions are taken and all the guidelines are followed, the problem may even heal on its own. Smoking and drinking are the major root cause of arrhythmia hence it is very important to abstain from these practices as they not only effect heart but can also lead to various other chronic problems as well. Our diet plays a very important role in maintaining the health of our heart. Hence eating green leafy vegetables and fruits can prove to be very beneficial in treating Arrhythmia. Maintaining a Healthy lifestyle and exercising on regular basis also helps to regulate your Heartbeat. Yoga can do wonders in treating Arrhythmia.

If you have been detected with the problem, make sure that you visit your doctor frequently ensure that there are no complications.


Heart treatment hospitals in India have attracted patients from various different parts of the world and have been able to give very satisfactory results. The reason behind this is that you can find the best invasive cardiology in India. The best heart hospital in India has all the facilities based on latest technological advancements which helps to deliver precise and accurate result. Since our heart is extremely sensitive, it is very important to not compromise with the health of our heart and choose the best heart specialist hospital in India. Although mild Arrhythmia does not need medical treatment but in case of serious problem, bring it under the notice of a medical expert. Make sure that you follow all the instructions given by your doctor and take all the prescribed medications on time.

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