What is the importance of waste management in companies?

Posted by CorpSeed Pvt Ltd
Jan 21, 2021

Waste management is one of the most common ways to develop environmental awareness and ensure sustainability. It is essential to manage the waste treated only as ordinary waste and that would be disposed of anyway. Adopting practices for the reuse and reuse, as well as for the proper disposal of what is no longer needed, are part of the ecologically correct economy.

This is a subject that sometimes raises many doubts, but we have to understand, first, that the large volume of waste generated every day needs a certain destination. Otherwise, it ends up causing serious environmental and human consequences.

To better understand the need to manage solid waste and the correct disposal of materials, follow the reading until the end!

After all, what is solid waste management?

In a simpler and more summarized way, waste management aims to give the correct destination for what is discarded by the company. These are actions in stages, among which are:

  • collect;
  • storage;
  • transport;
  • treatment;
  • final destination.

All these aspects are provided for the National Policy on Solid Waste, of the Ministry of the Environment. The law stipulates that managers must guarantee the minimization of waste production and the use of raw materials.

But, for the whole process to work, conscious consumption is one of the first steps so that all the following phases are also effective. The principle of strict liability provides that the generator of the waste is the one who must take care of the treatment and disposal of the materials used, whether collectively or individually.

Only with the legislation and guidelines established will there be a less environmental impact, reflecting on public health and improving the quality of the environment.

What are the consequences of not properly disposing of waste?

As provided by law, a company that fails to comply with the provisions of the National Solid Waste Policy runs the risk of responding to an environmental crime. If criminalization occurs, the person responsible can also respond administratively and civil penalties will be applied. A conviction for the crime may incur a penalty of one to five years in prison, according to the law.

But it is not just the criminal issue that is at stake. There are entire ecosystems that can be affected by the incorrect destination of solid waste. In many cases, pollution of fauna and flora can have irreversible consequences. In addition to taking care of all waste generated, the manager must be aware of the specific laws that guide the monitoring and the environmentally correct destination.

And what is the importance and advantages of doing this management?

There are countless advantages to properly manage the disposal of solid waste. But it is necessary to know all the steps and put them into practice, following all the established guidelines. Thus, the planning and preparation of a management program is the best way, taking into account the characteristics of each company.

In addition to reducing the amount of waste, management reduces waste and can generate savings. Moving towards more sustainable development, the business will also be better regarded by the sector, achieving better evaluations.

Waste management goes beyond the correct disposal since after this stage, constant monitoring of the entire area where the waste was destined (solid and liquid) must be carried out, in accordance with environmental legislation at the national and state levels.

With management, soil and water contamination, disease spread, and many other forms of environmental destruction are avoided. A company committed to waste management demonstrates social and environmental commitment, in addition to being more sustainable and having greater competitive potential.

How does waste management in mining work?

By working with many chemical elements, the mining industry deserves attention to its waste management. Environmental studies and impact assessment should guide decisions on how to reduce, optimize and minimize the generation of waste in the sector. There are mining companies spread across the country, which further highlights the importance of the correct destination of materials.

The main residues generated in mining activities with the greatest potential for environmental contamination are:

  • Sterile piles;
  • Tailings dams;
  • Generation of acid mine drainage;
  • Effluents.

Poor waste management can generate a great environmental impact, causing contamination of the soil and water resources, which has been the object of great concern in the last three decades in industrialized countries. Aiming to solve problems for contaminated areas, the environmental agencies promote a set of measures to ensure knowledge of the characteristics and impacts caused by them.

But, for this to be done, it is necessary to follow some steps.

1. Characterization and separation

In the characterization process, the chemical compounds and the physical properties of the waste are analyzed to enable the correct separation. Thus, they are classified according to the constituents and the activities from which they were derived. Only after these analyzes does the waste have its destinations established, so that it minimizes the consequences and damages.

2. Handling and conditioning

Handling refers to the time to ensure that the waste does not leak or mix. Thus, this is essential so that they do not contaminate or be exposed in any way that could be harmful to the environment. And the conditioning is so that these residues are stored properly until the next steps.

3. Final provision

Depending on the classification and characterization of the waste, each of them will have a destination. But this final provision is intended to eliminate or minimize the impacts generated, both environmental and social.

4. Monitoring

This stage is of great importance, although it is often overlooked due to a lack of technical knowledge and/or legislation. Therefore, after disposal, waste management must be continued through environmental monitoring.

Waste management is a positive action that must be implemented with the help of specialized companies to avoid harmful impacts on the environment. This specialized assistance has been of great help in order to do this properly, saving the country’s fauna and flora.

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