What is the Google Sandbox Effect and Why is it Destroying Your SEO?

Posted by Eyal Katz
Apr 12, 2016

The Google Sandbox. Well, it isn’t the place where kids have fun and neighborhood kittens do their “gardening”. It’s actually an important phenomenon to help in understanding your SEO (or Search Engine Optimization).

Bottom line, the sandbox is a temporary filter for new websites.

And the reason it exists is likely a direct result of SEOs getting too good at figuring out Google’s algorithms.

So if Google puts you into the sandbox, there’s really two core outcomes.

Outcome #1 – They reevaluate and find you actually do fit the profile of a spammer or SEO results manipulator.

Outcome #2 – Or you eventually get your release papers, get out of the penalty sandbox, and get to compete in the full Google search rankings.

If it turns out to be option one, then you went too far, and you’re probably penalized in ways that are going to make your time in the sandbox irrelevant.

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