What Is The Difference Between Asphalt Paving & Sealcoating?
When you think of a newly paved driveway, you begin to imagine a smooth and black texture that not only enhances the visual appeal of your entrance but can impress anyone at first look. However, as fancy the option may seem, asphalt pavements still struggle with time because of traffic and extreme weather conditions (only if you happen to live in such areas) There are also other natural items like road salt, engine oil, and gasoline that can turn out to be harmful for a well-made pavement.
Eventually, such conditions lead homeowners to think about the best paving services and that is where they also begin to think on whether they should go for asphalt paving or seal coating. As we are pretty much sure that you would also be here to find an answer to that, then we have decided to put down all the factors associated to both the options and then let you make the decision on your own, based on what your needs are.
Asphalt Paving
To put it into simpler words (and how a lot of you would also already know) asphalt paving includes the application of hot asphalt on a driveway or parking lot surface. The method is used to make a new asphalt pavement or it can also be used to fix those major cracks or potholes in asphalt surfaces.
How Much Does It Cost?
It depends on the size of the paved area or what kind of services in specific you are looking for. In general, asphalt paving actually turns out to be 10 times more expensive than the seal coating option but if your driveway needs to be built or repaired on something durable then asphalt is your best option to go for always.
If an asphalt driveway is properly installed, you can expect 15-20 years out of it with regular maintenance.
When Should You Consider Asphalt Paving?
Asphalt paving can deliver their magic right when you need to repair or resurface the entire pavement that has already been made at your place. Asphalt resurfacing is a method that goes one step ahead to fix all the issues of a pavement together like ponding water, deep cracks, or crumbling edges.
Seal Coating
Seal coating is described as applying a specially formulated liquid coating to asphalt pavement. Once the liquid dries up, the hard seal then protects the pavement from water penetrating through it, sun damage, or even chemicals that can have an adverse effect on asphalt surfaces from time to time. Furthermore, as it is made up of refined tar and other petroleum products, seal coating also contributes a great deal to reduce friction, create a smoother driving or parking surface.
However, you have to make sure that seal coating in any case should not be considered to repair asphalt surfaces. One should always consider it as a product for maintenance because any defect that exists under the surface cannot be fixed by it.
How Much Does Sealcoating Cost?
Again the cost associated to seal coating depends entirely on the size of the driveway. If the prep work is done properly then you can expect the seal coating process to make your driveway look like new again for a cost that would always stand less than that of asphalt paving and resurfacing.
If you want to consider a pro tip coming from the asphalt pavers in Wilmington DE then regular seal coating can help you extend the life of your driveway.
When Should You Consider To Sealcoat Your Driveway?
If your asphalt driveway is now at least six months or old, it is about time that you start considering regular seal coating in order to avoid the normal slow degradation of asphalt that arises either because of freeze-thaw cycles, road salt, oil, gasoline, and sun exposure.
In the end, it is extremely important that you understand the difference between seal coating and asphalt paving because while the later provides concrete installation of pavement the former is more connected to maintain the driveway for years to come.
So, now that you know everything, we hope this guide will help you in making the right choice for your driveway.