What is the best treatment for Proteinuria?
You might have heard about protein deficiency, but we have never heard that there is an excess of proteins in the body. This is because, as the condition of an excess protein in blood arises, the extra proteins are filtered out from the blood by the kidneys as waste.
Kidneys are the filtering organs of the human body. Removal of toxins from the body, regulation of blood pressure, acid-base balance, management of solutes, etc. is amongst the few roles managed by kidneys. While filtering the above-mentioned, kidneys try to maintain a balance of these compounds in the blood. So there is a defined range of each of the constituents of the urine. The excess or lack of the constituents in urine creates an alarming signal. Urine also contains a defined amount of protein. If there is an excess of protein in urine than desired, the condition is called “Proteinuria”. It is the state of presence of an excess amount of proteins in the urine that is indicative of damage to the kidneys. It is a complication caused by some chronic diseases. These chronic diseases were adversely affecting the functioning of kidneys, and after some time, may land you in the end-stage; the stage of kidney failure
The initial stage of proteinuria might not relate to any signs or symptoms of kidney damage. This disease is diagnosed with the help of a urine test and a blood test. Proteinuria is a type of kidney disease that is reversible with the use of lifestyle changes and ayurvedic treatment.
Ayurvedic kidney treatment has been providing exceptional results. It has been providing effective treatment for various kidney diseases such as kidney stones, kidney failure, and kidney infections for ages. It works in a manner that helps in restoring the overall health of kidneys. Ayurvedic medicines for proteinuria use herbal preparations to overcome this problem. This treatment for proteinuria follows a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle along with ayurvedic medicines for proteinuria.
Causes of excess protein loss in urine
As we all know, the kidneys are the filtering organ; the Kidneys' filters, namely, glomeruli and nephrons, are responsible for sieving out waste. There are more than one million nephrons present in a single kidney that works throughout the day and filters blood for waste. When these filters get damaged, kidneys are not able to function as they are supposed to. Proteinuria is a state caused by several health conditions that creates damage to the filters of the kidneys. The following could be the reasons for renal insufficiency:
• Antibiotics or over-the-counter (OTC) medications for more than the prescribed time
• Exposure to toxins or heavy metals
• Inflammatory diseases like Pyelonephritis and Glomerulonephritis affect the output of the kidney
• Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) that hampers renal filters
• Other conditions that may damage your kidneys include UTIs (urinary tract infections), the insufficient flow of blood to the kidneys, dehydration, etc.
How will you know that you have Proteinuria?
Proteins are the building blocks of humans. Normally, kidneys sieve excess protein left from digestion and metabolism in the form of waste through the urine. But if kidneys do not function properly, this leakage exceeds the desired amount, and there would be excess loss of protein from your body.
Proteins (albumin and globulin) are the main constituents of plasma. As albumin is filtered more easily than globulin, it is the major type of protein present in urine. Thus the term albuminuria is often used interchangeably with proteinuria.
Proteinuria can be assessed by recognizing the symptoms. Following are the symptoms of Proteinuria:
• Oedema of limbs: Proteins maintain the electrolyte balance. Swelling occurs because of fluid retention in the body. It is also known as Oedema.
• Puffy eyes: A patient may look sleepy. Here the eyelids are puffy or swollen.
• Foamy urine: This is the main identifying symptom of proteinuria. The protein in urine will be evident when the urine starts to look frothy or foamy.
• Change in urine output: This is another common symptom of kidney disease. The urine output differs from normal.
• Change in color of urine: Another prominent symptom of proteinuria is a change in the color of urine. It will look yellow or dark yellow in color.
• Blood in urine: Having traces of blood or blood in urine can be identified as a severe symptom of Proteinuria.
• Diet change: Loss of appetite or unwillingness to consume food.
• General body weakness: Our activities are based on muscles, which need proteins for work. Due to excessive loss of proteins, the body will feel exhausted and trashed.
• Blurred vision Visionary changes are noticed as spots or flashing lights in front of the eyes.
• Continuous Headache. One may feel constant headaches for a long.
• Nausea or vomiting: Nausea and vomiting are also observed in all kidney-related disorders.
• Muscle contractions: Muscles work mainly with the help of proteins. Insufficiency of proteins leads to the state of hampered working of muscles.
What are the possible risks associated with Proteinuria?
When your kidneys are affected by Proteinuria; there are certain possible risks associated with it:
• Impaired immunity: Weaker immune system leads to being caught by infectious diseases easily.
• Increased toxin levels: Impaired activity of kidneys in filtering out the toxins from the body leads to higher levels of toxins in the body.
• High blood pressure: It is one of the most common risks involved with improper functioning kidneys.
• Diabetes: It is both the cause and risk of Proteinuria. A person having diabetes is more likely to get caught by kidney-related diseases and disorders.
• Obesity: Obesity or long-term over-weight risks life because of the following disorders like Proteinuria.
• Kidney infections: When the kidney loses its capability to filter wastes and toxins, the chances of getting kidney infections increases easily.
Is Proteinuria the same as Albumuria?
Albuminuria and Proteinuria are similar to one another with a thin line of demarcation between the two. If Albumin is the main type of protein that leaks in high amounts through urine, the situation is called Albuminuria. However, if there is a loss of a group of proteins the condition is called Proteinuria.
How to Diagnose Proteinuria?
• Urine test: A normal urine analysis can reveal abnormalities in your urine.
• Blood test: A normal blood sample is taken to quantify the levels of protein in the blood.
What level of proteinuria is alarming?
A normal amount of protein in urine is less than 150 milligrams per day. If you have more than 150 milligrams of protein in urine per day, you have proteinuria.
What foods to be avoided, if suffering from Proteinuria?
Due to Proteinuria, the amount of protein in the body decreases. So in case of proteinuria, it is advised to consume more proteins and limit the following food items:
• Foods high in sodium and potassium.
• Carbohydrates in high amounts.
• Consumption of refined sugar instead includes natural sweeteners.
• Consumption of semi-cooked food and canned foods.
• Saturated fats.
• Self-medication-allopathic medicines and drugs.
Is Ayurvedic Medicine best in the Treatment of Proteinuria?
Ayurvedic medicine for proteinuria can be the most effective way for treatment of protein loss in urine. It is a treatment that can eradicate the disease/disorder from its roots. Ayurvedic treatment for fixing proteinuria is a medical treatment that uses resources from nature. Ayurvedic kidney treatment is purely based on herbal medicines and suggestive lifestyle changes.
The Allopathic system of treatment works only on the visible symptoms and could leave a bunch of side effects on the organs. The ultimate solution that is suggestive here is surgery and artificial methods to cure diseases.
Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria or any other kidney disease works on finding the root cause and then working on it. Proteinuria ayurvedic treatment aims to work upon the rejuvenation of kidney health. These possess restorative capabilities and thus are used in ayurvedic treatment for proteins in urine.
Herbs like Kaasni, Shirish, Punarnava, Gokshuradi Guggulu, Dandelion root gudmar, triphala, musta, cardamom, fenugreek, and coriander, etc. are used with other herbs to promote kidney function. These herbs can assure complete alleviation of the problem in your life.
Lifestyle management for proteinuria
Proteinuria, a kidney disorder, can be managed by adopting a healthy life-style. By following some preventive measures and proteinuria ayurvedic treatment, you can reverse proteinuria and prevent yourself from kidney damage. These routine measures help you locate what you should eat or avoid to keep your kidneys healthy. These tips include the following:
• Restrict table salt in your diet. As sodium present in table salt can further deteriorate the health of the kidney.
• Keep your blood pressure near normal.
• Addition of ginger, garlic, and onion to your meals. As per Ayurveda, these help to facilitate toxin elimination.
• Eat more fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains. These helps in keeping your system clean and healthy.
• Protein-rich foods should be substituted for low-protein foods-this is suggestive for patients with kidney diseases, but in the case of Proteinuria, protein-rich foods are recommended.
• Diabetes in the advanced stage affects kidney health. Reducing the amount of sugar in your diet will help in maintaining kidney health.
• Abstinence of preserved foods. Salt is the most common preservative; it can be dangerous for kidney patients.
• Potassium can also damage your kidney. Soak vegetables for 20 minutes beforehand. It has been shown in studies that soaking increases the loss of potassium from foods.
• Eat food rich in magnesium- millet, wheat, barley, strawberry, carrots, etc. It is seen that patients with proteinuria also suffer hypomagnesaemia.
• Walking, swimming, running or yoga is highly beneficial so start exercising regularly.
• Regular dry massage or udvartan has shown amazing beneficial results for kidney patients.
• A regular steam bath may help reduce fat in obese diabetics which can lead to other kidney problems.
• Inclusion of pranayama /breathing exercises to your daily routine. Pranayam has shown results in improving the overall health of children, adults, and old aged too.
Kidneys are the filtering organs of the human body. Removal of toxins from the body, regulation of blood pressure, acid-base balance, management of solutes, etc. is amongst the few roles managed by kidneys. While filtering the above-mentioned, kidneys try to maintain a balance of these compounds in the blood. So there is a defined range of each of the constituents of the urine. The excess or lack of the constituents in urine creates an alarming signal. Urine also contains a defined amount of protein. If there is an excess of protein in urine than desired, the condition is called “Proteinuria”. It is the state of presence of an excess amount of proteins in the urine that is indicative of damage to the kidneys. It is a complication caused by some chronic diseases. These chronic diseases were adversely affecting the functioning of kidneys, and after some time, may land you in the end-stage; the stage of kidney failure
The initial stage of proteinuria might not relate to any signs or symptoms of kidney damage. This disease is diagnosed with the help of a urine test and a blood test. Proteinuria is a type of kidney disease that is reversible with the use of lifestyle changes and ayurvedic treatment.
Ayurvedic kidney treatment has been providing exceptional results. It has been providing effective treatment for various kidney diseases such as kidney stones, kidney failure, and kidney infections for ages. It works in a manner that helps in restoring the overall health of kidneys. Ayurvedic medicines for proteinuria use herbal preparations to overcome this problem. This treatment for proteinuria follows a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle along with ayurvedic medicines for proteinuria.
Causes of excess protein loss in urine
As we all know, the kidneys are the filtering organ; the Kidneys' filters, namely, glomeruli and nephrons, are responsible for sieving out waste. There are more than one million nephrons present in a single kidney that works throughout the day and filters blood for waste. When these filters get damaged, kidneys are not able to function as they are supposed to. Proteinuria is a state caused by several health conditions that creates damage to the filters of the kidneys. The following could be the reasons for renal insufficiency:
• Antibiotics or over-the-counter (OTC) medications for more than the prescribed time
• Exposure to toxins or heavy metals
• Inflammatory diseases like Pyelonephritis and Glomerulonephritis affect the output of the kidney
• Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) that hampers renal filters
• Other conditions that may damage your kidneys include UTIs (urinary tract infections), the insufficient flow of blood to the kidneys, dehydration, etc.
How will you know that you have Proteinuria?
Proteins are the building blocks of humans. Normally, kidneys sieve excess protein left from digestion and metabolism in the form of waste through the urine. But if kidneys do not function properly, this leakage exceeds the desired amount, and there would be excess loss of protein from your body.
Proteins (albumin and globulin) are the main constituents of plasma. As albumin is filtered more easily than globulin, it is the major type of protein present in urine. Thus the term albuminuria is often used interchangeably with proteinuria.
Proteinuria can be assessed by recognizing the symptoms. Following are the symptoms of Proteinuria:
• Oedema of limbs: Proteins maintain the electrolyte balance. Swelling occurs because of fluid retention in the body. It is also known as Oedema.
• Puffy eyes: A patient may look sleepy. Here the eyelids are puffy or swollen.
• Foamy urine: This is the main identifying symptom of proteinuria. The protein in urine will be evident when the urine starts to look frothy or foamy.
• Change in urine output: This is another common symptom of kidney disease. The urine output differs from normal.
• Change in color of urine: Another prominent symptom of proteinuria is a change in the color of urine. It will look yellow or dark yellow in color.
• Blood in urine: Having traces of blood or blood in urine can be identified as a severe symptom of Proteinuria.
• Diet change: Loss of appetite or unwillingness to consume food.
• General body weakness: Our activities are based on muscles, which need proteins for work. Due to excessive loss of proteins, the body will feel exhausted and trashed.
• Blurred vision Visionary changes are noticed as spots or flashing lights in front of the eyes.
• Continuous Headache. One may feel constant headaches for a long.
• Nausea or vomiting: Nausea and vomiting are also observed in all kidney-related disorders.
• Muscle contractions: Muscles work mainly with the help of proteins. Insufficiency of proteins leads to the state of hampered working of muscles.
What are the possible risks associated with Proteinuria?
When your kidneys are affected by Proteinuria; there are certain possible risks associated with it:
• Impaired immunity: Weaker immune system leads to being caught by infectious diseases easily.
• Increased toxin levels: Impaired activity of kidneys in filtering out the toxins from the body leads to higher levels of toxins in the body.
• High blood pressure: It is one of the most common risks involved with improper functioning kidneys.
• Diabetes: It is both the cause and risk of Proteinuria. A person having diabetes is more likely to get caught by kidney-related diseases and disorders.
• Obesity: Obesity or long-term over-weight risks life because of the following disorders like Proteinuria.
• Kidney infections: When the kidney loses its capability to filter wastes and toxins, the chances of getting kidney infections increases easily.
Is Proteinuria the same as Albumuria?
Albuminuria and Proteinuria are similar to one another with a thin line of demarcation between the two. If Albumin is the main type of protein that leaks in high amounts through urine, the situation is called Albuminuria. However, if there is a loss of a group of proteins the condition is called Proteinuria.
How to Diagnose Proteinuria?
• Urine test: A normal urine analysis can reveal abnormalities in your urine.
• Blood test: A normal blood sample is taken to quantify the levels of protein in the blood.
What level of proteinuria is alarming?
A normal amount of protein in urine is less than 150 milligrams per day. If you have more than 150 milligrams of protein in urine per day, you have proteinuria.
What foods to be avoided, if suffering from Proteinuria?
Due to Proteinuria, the amount of protein in the body decreases. So in case of proteinuria, it is advised to consume more proteins and limit the following food items:
• Foods high in sodium and potassium.
• Carbohydrates in high amounts.
• Consumption of refined sugar instead includes natural sweeteners.
• Consumption of semi-cooked food and canned foods.
• Saturated fats.
• Self-medication-allopathic medicines and drugs.
Is Ayurvedic Medicine best in the Treatment of Proteinuria?
Ayurvedic medicine for proteinuria can be the most effective way for treatment of protein loss in urine. It is a treatment that can eradicate the disease/disorder from its roots. Ayurvedic treatment for fixing proteinuria is a medical treatment that uses resources from nature. Ayurvedic kidney treatment is purely based on herbal medicines and suggestive lifestyle changes.
The Allopathic system of treatment works only on the visible symptoms and could leave a bunch of side effects on the organs. The ultimate solution that is suggestive here is surgery and artificial methods to cure diseases.
Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria or any other kidney disease works on finding the root cause and then working on it. Proteinuria ayurvedic treatment aims to work upon the rejuvenation of kidney health. These possess restorative capabilities and thus are used in ayurvedic treatment for proteins in urine.
Herbs like Kaasni, Shirish, Punarnava, Gokshuradi Guggulu, Dandelion root gudmar, triphala, musta, cardamom, fenugreek, and coriander, etc. are used with other herbs to promote kidney function. These herbs can assure complete alleviation of the problem in your life.
Lifestyle management for proteinuria
Proteinuria, a kidney disorder, can be managed by adopting a healthy life-style. By following some preventive measures and proteinuria ayurvedic treatment, you can reverse proteinuria and prevent yourself from kidney damage. These routine measures help you locate what you should eat or avoid to keep your kidneys healthy. These tips include the following:
• Restrict table salt in your diet. As sodium present in table salt can further deteriorate the health of the kidney.
• Keep your blood pressure near normal.
• Addition of ginger, garlic, and onion to your meals. As per Ayurveda, these help to facilitate toxin elimination.
• Eat more fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains. These helps in keeping your system clean and healthy.
• Protein-rich foods should be substituted for low-protein foods-this is suggestive for patients with kidney diseases, but in the case of Proteinuria, protein-rich foods are recommended.
• Diabetes in the advanced stage affects kidney health. Reducing the amount of sugar in your diet will help in maintaining kidney health.
• Abstinence of preserved foods. Salt is the most common preservative; it can be dangerous for kidney patients.
• Potassium can also damage your kidney. Soak vegetables for 20 minutes beforehand. It has been shown in studies that soaking increases the loss of potassium from foods.
• Eat food rich in magnesium- millet, wheat, barley, strawberry, carrots, etc. It is seen that patients with proteinuria also suffer hypomagnesaemia.
• Walking, swimming, running or yoga is highly beneficial so start exercising regularly.
• Regular dry massage or udvartan has shown amazing beneficial results for kidney patients.
• A regular steam bath may help reduce fat in obese diabetics which can lead to other kidney problems.
• Inclusion of pranayama /breathing exercises to your daily routine. Pranayam has shown results in improving the overall health of children, adults, and old aged too.
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