What is Laser Vein Removal? Is it Effective?

Posted by Sofia Wallis
May 15, 2018

About Visible Veins


Spider veins in particular are more likely to develop in women rather than men, and often this can be because their mother also had problems with her veins. It can also be attributed to excess oestrogen due to taking the contraceptive pill or living a sedentary lifestyle.


Although they are usually not painful or pose any health risks, they can undermine the self-confidence of many people. Blue veins, or varicose veins, are usually inherited. They can present more of a health issue than spider veins. In rare cases, they may even lead to skin cancer.


Unlike spider veins, varicose veins are often uncomfortable or even painful. In all cases, because the veins no longer work effectively, the body would have found an alternative path for blood back to the heart. Due to this, the vein is no longer really needed by the body, so it can be treated.


The Methods of Vein Removal


One of the common ways to remove spider and varicose veins, until recently, is Sclerotherapy. It involves injecting the vein with a solution called a sclerosant which irritates the blood vessel into swelling then sticking together. The result is that the vein will fade, sometimes even before the support stockings come off. Others will fade after a short time until they can no longer be seen.


Most recently, laser therapy for vein removal has become more popular mainly due to its effectiveness and quick recovery. There are also fewer side effects.

Laser Therapy

Blue veins of up to 2mm in diameter can also be removed. The laser passes a light through the skin which targets the veins under the skin. Dilated blood vessels on the face can also be treated. Recovery time is much faster than Sclerotherapy and there are no invasive or surgical procedures involved.


For larger varicose veins, other treatments such as ultrasound guided sclerotherapy or Endovenous Laser Ablation are more suitable treatments.


Is Vein Removal Procedure Painful?


It can be painful, but how far depends on what type of vein removal you go for. Sclerotherapy is more uncomfortable than laser treatment, mainly due to its invasiveness, but some people also find the laser a little uncomfortable.


What are the Side Effects of Vein Removal?


It depends on what type of vein removal you go for. There are a few possible side effects with Sclerotherapy. For instance, a fine network of veins may develop after the treatment. This is generally caused by a lack of compression or other factors such as hormonal or Vitamin E supplements.


However, there are few side effects of laser therapy for spider or small blue veins. Many people experience a slight redness around the area for a few hours afterwards. In the majority of cases, you can resume your activities in no time at all.


Both laser and sclerotherapy treatments permanently remove veins. However, if you have a tendency to develop the veins in the first place, other veins may develop in other places. To prevent the onset of other veins, you must exercise regularly, this increases circulation and keeps weight down, wear support stockings, and avoid high heels as they inhibit the proper functioning of larger veins in the legs.


For Laser Vein Removal, Permanent Hair Reduction, you must visit a good skin specialist. Also, it is better to be careful while purchasing skin care products in Cape Town.

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