What is Laser Kidney Stone Treatment?

Posted by Dr Rahul
Mar 14, 2020

Kidney stones can be small or large in size. Smaller stones can easily pass out through your urine. But the larger ones need to be broken down to be flushed out of the body. However, sometimes even then the condition persists and can cause intense pain.  

Types of Kidney Stones Which Require Treatment:

· Calcium stones: These stones are most common. They are made of calcium oxalate, maleates, or phosphate. To prevent these from forming, you can cut down on foods that are rich in oxalate. 

· Uric acid stones: These usually form in males and they can also form in people who suffer from gout or are undergoing chemotherapy. Uric acid stones are formed due to the high acidity in urine. 

· Struvite stones: These commonly occur in females and often affect those who are suffering from urinary tract infections. Struvite stones are usually very large and can cause immense pain. They can also lead to kidney infections. 

· Cystine stones: These stones are not that common but they can form in both males and females. They usually occur in those who suffer from cystinuria which is a genetic disorder. Due to this, there is leakage of cystine from the kidney, into urine.

Laser Treatment Procedure

In laser kidney stone treatment, the surgery is not too invasive. There will be no incision marks on your body. Under the effect of anaesthesia, an ureteroscope will be inserted into your urethra and bladder. This will allow the device to access your ureter and kidney. 

After the stones are located, Holmium energy is transmitted through a laser fibre. Holmium is able to break the stones into small pieces. Once the kidney stones are smaller in size, the surgeon will be able to transfer them to a basket while the smallest pieces will pass out of the body while urinating. Sometimes, the surgeon concerned might want to break the stones into fine particles and create a powder like consistency. This is usually done with high powered Holmium laser along with high frequency emissions. Once the kidney stones are powdered, the body can easily flush them out when you urinate. 

During laser kidney stone treatment, a stent is inserted. A stent is a tube and it is placed between the kidney and the urethra. The stent provides an easy passage for the stones to pass out and also allows you to heal faster. While you are healing, the stent also allows the kidney to drain. A week after the surgery, your doctor will remove the stent.

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