What is important to know about Google Slides for PC?

Posted by Aandy Johnson
Oct 5, 2021
Google has always been the favorite of people for various reasons, such as there is nothing as safe and secure as Google also there is anything easier than Google for the understanding and use of people. Google has provided people with so many options to explore in the form of safe and secure applications.

Table of Content:

  • Google Slides for PC
  • Signing up for a Google slides account:
  • Creating a blank presentation:
  • Importing PowerPoint presentation:
  • Concluding Lines:

Google Slides for PC

There is so much related to Google that one can put to the discussion, but here for now we will focus our discussion on the Google slides for PC, this application is really the perfect replacement that one can give to PowerPoint presentations, through Google slides one can easily get into the process of creating the slides.
But, for those who have just discovered this, that Google slides for PC is something that can further make the whole thing of making the presentations this easy, the proper use of this Google service may become a problem, here we will see all the information related to the slides making through Google, after knowing the necessary information further conduct of the process automatically becomes easy.

Signing up for a Google slides account:

In order to efficiently use Google slides, it is necessary for the user to have a proper Google account created, so if the user does not have that then it should be created then and there, the creation of the account would be an easy process to be done.

Creating a blank presentation:

If the user has got the Google account created, then the further the user will have to head over to Google slides, there the user is advised to click on the multicolored icon given at the bottom right corner from there the user can get the blank slide created.

Importing PowerPoint presentation:

If the PowerPoint presentation has been made in Microsoft and now the user needs to transfer it into the Google slides for PC, then that is also an easy process to be conducted, the user will have to get the file uploaded to Google drive in order to view the presentation in the Google slides. The user can also drag and drop files from the computer directly in the web browser that would be the easiest way to upload.

Concluding Lines:

So, this is all the information, which the user will need to understand before starting with the Google slides for PC, once the user will understand this guide the further use of the Google slides will be very smooth and also easy. The users are just advised to read the guide very carefully reading all that s given here is really very helpful and thus it is going to help users in various ways, further designing and making of the presentations for the cooperate world and for studying purposes would be an easy thing to be done.

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