What is Home Staging and how to apply to value your property!

Posted by Roatan Buyer Agent
Feb 5, 2022

Selling or leasing a property is often a challenging task. So using real estate marketing techniques may be what you need to get out of this impasse. A good example is home staging.


An empty house or apartment looks less interesting, have you ever thought about it? With this, this practice is also called staging the property.


Especially during times of crisis and financial instability, it is great to use this strategy to increase your chances of succeeding in your trading.


If you found it interesting and want to know more, continue reading this article and find out how to put it into practice.


After all, what does home staging mean?


Home staging is a term from the United States that originated in the 70s. Its emergence happened due to a large offer of real estate in that period. In the 1990s, it gradually migrated to England and Europe.


In literal translation, these words mean “house play”. Therefore, it is a way to prepare an empty house or apartment to be more attractive during the sale. Thus, applying an affordable, functional and quick decoration to add more value to the property.


The principle of home staging is to create an environment that attracts the attention of potential buyers. With this, it is easier to sell the property, as it conquers more looks. To this day the practice is very common in the US.


Even several real estate companies partner with interior designers to not present the property without decoration. When this is not possible, there is also the alternative of using software to decorate virtually.


What is the importance of Home staging in the sale of a property?


Imagine how a cafeteria works. The customer arrives and sees the sandwich they want in a photo or ready in the window. In addition to the information on the packaging, price and ingredients, this visual stimulus is largely responsible for your choice.


So, even after visiting the Roatan property for sale, having the data about the property, having the pamphlets and asking questions with the broker, the final touch is still missing. That is, he needs to be enchanted with that particular apartment or house.


So, the proposal is to take the marketing used in commerce to the real estate market as well. Home staging seeks to stimulate the potential buyer's vision to imagine how the property will look after its decoration.


In Honduras, there are already professionals specialized in the application of home staging. In general, they usually price their work by the square foot. So, if you want to use this way to accelerate your sales, it's worth looking for these partners.


7 simple tips on how to do home staging


According to a study by the National Association of Realtors, home staging allows a property to be sold or rented up to 50% faster , when compared to it in its previous state. You can also apply this technique on your own, see the tips.


1. Remove unnecessary items


The idea is to show a large space ready to receive what the customer has. That way, remove everything that takes up space and is unnecessary . Thus, you will have more divisions available, in addition to providing the feeling of freedom and spaciousness.

2. Fix the small flaws


It is common for used properties to have small imperfections. So, to differentiate yours, take care of these details and fix the most annoying defects. Examples are: wall cracks, stains and minor aesthetic defects.


3. Open the possibilities in each division


Think of each division as a blank slate. With this, show the decorative potential to the visitors.


This strategy seeks to make potential buyers imagine that they are living in that location. So, no clothes, photographs or very themed paintings.


4. Choose which areas to focus on


Not all areas need a big decorative job. Keep your focus on the divisions that are most likely to convince the customer to close the deal. So, pay attention to the living room , kitchen and master bedroom.


5. Make good use of colors


Neutral and light tones are the best options when doing home staging. This is because colors are ways of expressing personality.


So it's a very subjective thing. So invest in white and gray as the basis of your presentation.


6. Sell the house, not the decorative objects


Applying home staging is not decorating the house to sell. In fact, it's a way to make that space cozier.


So remove the very personal decorations and choose more basic items that suit both the tastes of a young couple and an elderly couple. Then, highlight the possibilities of the property for the buyer to customize.


7. Adjust the lighting in Home Staging


Good lighting is a key factor in how a room in the house stands out. If the property is dimly lit, it will look sad and monotonous. Already well lit, it offers the feeling of welcome and welcome.


Using these recommendations, it will surely be much easier to rent or sell your property. After all, the idea is to offer the best presentation of this property to arouse the interest of visitors.




As you have seen, improving the way you offer your property does not need to be complicated and with huge expenses. Using organization, cleaning, repair and spatial understanding strategies , it is already much easier to convince your potential buyer to know the space better.


Thus, the purpose of home staging is to enhance the place in periods of sale or rent. Using popular techniques in interior design, sustainability and innovation, you can speed up your trading.


If all businesses need marketing to survive and win customers, the real estate industry could not be different. So, use this to your advantage and improve the look of your property.


Now, you know better what home staging is and how to apply it to add value to your home. So, use the tips you saw today and make your sales take off this month. Are you looking to make a trade? So, count on experts in the sale of your property. Meet homes for sale in Roatan Honduras!

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