What Is Digital Transformation And What Does It Really Mean For Your Business

The Global Center for Digital Transformation says that "organizational change is the foundation of digital business transformation". That's because changing the nature of an organisation means changing the way people work, challenging their mindsets and the daily work processes and strategies that they rely upon. While these present the most difficult problems, they also yield probably the most worthwhile rewards, allowing a business to become more efficient, data-driven and nimble, taking advantage of more business opportunities.
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Define 'digital' in digital transformation
While the focus is on changing how the business works at every level, technology underpins all digital transformation projects. But what technology?
Obviously this changes as time goes on, but typically businesses want to adopt technologies that help them harness and make sense of the vast quantities of data they are sitting on, as well as preparing for trends like the Internet of Things (IoT) and mobile.
That means analytics tools are high up on the agenda, as well as cloud computing, which lets you store data outside your own data centre, potentially closing this down. You might also want to focus on collaborative tools, like file-sharing, mobile devices, and apps, that let your employees work wherever they are, and which give them instant access to information - especially useful for salespeople visiting customers, for instance.
What A digital Transformation Means For Your Business?
Accepting and moving toward digital transformation doesn't simply mean jumping on every technological bandwagon that comes along. Doing that is like putting a bunch of cut up vegetables in a pot and calling it soup. Unless you put the right ingredients in the pot and turn on the stove, you'll never make soup-at least not soup that anyone wants to eat. Instead, each company has to spend some time thinking about what digital transformation really means for them.
Companies need to think about transitioning core business processes and digitalizing the client/business process first. They have to consider which applications, platforms, and solutions fit into their culture, daily operations, and budget. There is unfortunately no cookie cutter solution that businesses can opt into. It's a process that requires personalization and a knack for following trends.
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