What Is Biblical Context?

What is Biblical context? It means to read the Bible within the broader context of the events and figures in the Bible. Context means a lot of different things to different people. For some it is the whole meaning of the Bible in its entirety, while others see a certain group or nation as having specific context that has to do with the person or people associated with that nation or group.
Some people say that the whole context of the Bible makes the Bible more meaningful for the people who are reading it. For instance, someone who is an African-American Christian might interpret the Bible in a way that helps them understand the oppression of their black ancestors in the past. Others read the Bible within a context that helps them understand the outcasts of humanity from Egypt to India. And, of course, there are the Jews who have their own very unique context that they believe provides the right interpretation of the entire Old Testament.
The question of what is biblical context often involves opinions and interpretations from various people about how to read the Bible and where to put particular stories or sections of the Bible. This can be a very sensitive subject matter for some people because of how strongly some people feel about the placement of particular stories or sections within the Bible. There is no hard and fast rule about which parts of the Bible should or shouldn't be included in the Christian reading of the Bible. However, a common mistake that many make when thinking about what is biblical context is assuming that the Bible is a book of contradictions. This is simply not true.
Everyone knows that the Bible contains contradictions. Anyone who has ever studied anything written by the infallible God-man would know this. But, the Bible also contains stories and accounts that provide information about people who did not exist in the historical sense of time. These people existed only in the minds of the writers of the Bible. So, what is biblical context in this case? The writer of the Bible might view events in the Bible as occurring in time when they did not.
Another problem that people have with what is biblical context is assuming that every word or phrase within the Bible is important. There are many words and phrases that have absolutely nothing to do with each other and have absolutely nothing to do with what is biblical context. Many Christians think that if one or two words within the Bible are used more times than others that is more importance than the entire Bible as a whole. What is the standard for determining what is biblical context and what is just general religious talk?
A good place to start is with what is biblical context for those Christians who want to have their weddings and reception traditions reflect their faith. Many Christians feel that the wedding ceremony and reception services of a non-Christian are not really Christian because of the language that is used in the ceremony and the readings that are given at the reception. They feel that it is important to take the time to choose the right words and the right readings to get everything about their faith correct. While it might be helpful to know what is biblical context, many people would view such advice as being a license to ignore important factors in the Bible, such as the life of Jesus.
Some people who do not have a strong belief in the Bible and those who are non-Christians feel it is important to know what is biblical context so they can decide what to include in their own weddings and receptions. If such issues are not dealt with properly, the entire wedding and reception ceremony will look forced and not very genuine. This can have a negative effect on the visitors and guests of the wedding and reception as well. In order to make a good impression, it is important to learn what is biblical context within your own religion. If you do not believe the Bible teaches the traditional views on such matters as the wedding and reception, it is important to learn how to incorporate these views within the service so that they will not seem forced upon the attendees.
The perspective of those who hold the traditional perspectives on such topics as what is biblical context are often afraid to give such advice. They feel that teaching people about what is biblical context is only going to cause people to doubt their own beliefs and this is a slippery slope that can cause some serious problems in the future. However, if they simply teach the attendees of the service the biblical perspective, then they will begin to understand what is biblical context in a much more clear and understandable fashion. Then, they can decide what is truly biblical and what is simply a minority view in the Bible.
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