What is an ISO merchant Account?

Posted by Amelia Brynlie
May 4, 2023


An ISO merchant account is a payment gateway account. It allows you to process credit cards on your website. In this article we'll explain what an ISO merchant account is and how it works.

What is an ISO merchant account?

An ISO merchant account is an electronic payment gateway that allows you to accept credit cards and other types of payments online. The term "ISO" stands for independent sales organization, and it refers to the fact that this type of account can be set up by anyone who doesn't have direct access to Visa or MasterCard's network. This includes third-party processors like PayPal, Square, Stripe and others; but also banks themselves (like Bank of America).

An ISO merchant account is also known as a direct marketing or directory publishing merchant account because it allows you to run ads on directories like Google AdWords or Bing Ads--or even display ads on websites like Facebook!

How and why do I need an ISO merchant account?

ISO merchant accounts are a type of credit card processing account that allows you to accept payments via the Internet, by telephone and mail. They're also known as "online" or "e-commerce" merchant accounts because they allow you to process transactions online.

These types of processing accounts are ideal for small businesses that want to accept electronic payments through their websites but don't have enough volume (or any at all) to justify getting their own bank account.

There are many advantages to using an ISO merchant account over traditional payment methods such as checks or cash:

Compare ISO accounts

ISO accounts are a type of merchant account that allows you to accept credit and debit cards. They're also known as integrated sales organizations (ISOs) because they combine the processing functions with other services, such as virtual terminal and payment gateway services.

When comparing ISO accounts, it's important to keep in mind that each provider offers different rates and fees based on your needs. The following table compares some common features between two popular providers.

ISO merchant accounts are the most common type of payment gateway accounts.

An ISO merchant account is the most common type of payment gateway account. It's used by most merchants, e-commerce websites, mobile apps and games.


ISO merchant accounts are the most common type of payment gateway accounts. They allow you to accept credit card payments on your website and in person. An ISO account can be set up quickly and easily, but there are many other types of merchant accounts available as well. If you're looking for more information about how to get an ISO account or which one might be right for your business needs, contact us today!

Read more about - Offshore Merchant Account

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