What is a prenatal test? A few prenatal tests that will ensure your baby's good health

Feb 13, 2020
Prenatal tests are done during pregnancy for checking the health of the women and baby. It can detect a problem earlier that will save your baby from any risk. If these are not treated correctly, you may have a risk of premature birth. So to get an appropriate result of your prenatal test, you may search for pathology laboratory near me or diagnostic centre near you. These tests can help you in identifying any birth defect or any chromosomal abnormality.

Some of the prenatal tests are performed as screening tests and it reveals the possibility of any problem. Some of them are diagnostic tests that can tell you if the fetus has any specific problem.

What tests are done at the first prenatal visit?

People visit the obstetrician's office for the first time for confirming their pregnancy and to check if the baby is at any risk of health problems. In that case, the doctor will do a full physical exam such as weight assessment, blood pressure check and breast and pelvic examination. These tests are done for detecting changes in cervical cells that may lead you to cancer. You may have this test by searching the best pathology laboratory near me on Google. When conducting a pelvic exam, your doctor will also check for any other sexually transmitted diseases such as Chlamydia and gonorrhoea.

For confirming the pregnancy, you may have a urine pregnancy test that is done for checking HCG which is a hormone and pregnancy indicator. You may also receive urine tests for checking protein, sugar and other signs of infection. If your pregnancy is confirmed then the due date will be calculated based on your last missed periods date.

A blood test is done for checking some things

  • If your blood is Rh-positive and your partners are Rh-negative, then you may have antibodies that are dangerous for the fetus. This type of danger can be prevented through an injection which is given around 28 weeks of pregnancy. To reduce the risk of it you should previously check for your blood group by searching blood tests lab near me on Google.
  • If you have anaemia or low red blood cell, count
  • Hepatitis B, Syphilis and HIV
  • You may have routinely screening of cystic fibrosis and spinal muscular stephy to see for the disorders.

What are the other tests that you may get in the first trimester?

During your first trimester, you can be offered with more tests depending on your age, health, family medical history and other things. These tests may include:

First-trimester screening: In this test, you may have a blood test and an ultrasound exam. You can do this blood test by searching blood tests lab near me on google. This test is conducted to determine whether the fetus is at any risk of a chromosomal abnormality or any type of birth effect.

Ultrasound: This is one of the safe and painless test procedures where a sound wave is used to know about the baby shape and position. You can have this test during 11-14 weeks of pregnancy.

CVS: This test is done for checking cells from the placenta for showing if there is any chromosomal abnormality or not.

These all are the tests that you may receive as your prenatal tests. Get details about this from your nearest health care centre.
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