What Are the Sources of Environmental Noise Pollution?

Posted by George R Smith
Jun 28, 2022

The problem of noise pollution is not new to the world. The worsening matter of this issue is that the environment in which we live today is responsible for the emergence of this problem. This might be surprising, but it is true. Moving around yourself you will find lots of such resources that are disturbing your mental peace, now whether it is the ringtone, the doorbell of your neighbourhood flat, sounds coming from the playground, or traffic moving around your apartment. There are lots of things around us that are disturbing our mental peace.

As it is not possible to stop the use of these items, the only solution to combat the sound generated from these sources is the installation of environmental barriers around us. These barriers stop the impact of sound and do not let them disturb your concentration. They either absorb the sound or let it move in another direction. If you are also struggling with the issue of noise pollution, then installing these barriers will help you in getting rid of this problem. Well, finding these sources of noise pollution is hard, therefore it is important to recognize which are disturbing your peace. This article highlights those sources which are present around us and develop noise pollution.

  1. Electric Appliances at Homes and Offices: Today, every task whether it is at home or office is performed through electricity. Whether it is the television, hair-dryer, vacuum cleaner, television, audio system or doorbell, sound from keyboard or printers etc, are creating some sort of noise. Regular exposure to these starts affecting our health, especially our hearing efficiency. Installing the absorptive barriers will absorb the sound generated from these resources and offer you the required peace at your home and office.
  2. Work Place Noise: At first instance, this sounds unrealistic, but it is also a type of environmental pollution that is normally generated by people and items around us. The most surprising element of this pollution is that maybe there is a restriction on the use of mobile phones inside the office, the short gossip and discussion related to working between employees, the sounds of printers and other electronic appliances like the coffee machine cannot be controlled. This type of noise pollution normally happens in banks, hospitals, shopping malls, factories, etc. Interestingly, the installation of acoustic barriers to control the impacts of sound generated from these resources helps in stopping their sounds.
  3. Sounds of Construction Site: If your house or office is located at some place where builders are developing apartments and offices, then you are undoubtedly in an area prone to noise pollution. Now, as it is not possible to shift your house or office from that location, the only option left to you is the installation of noise barriers that can stop the sounds from these sources. These barriers will either let the sound move above your place or reflect it to its origin. Here it is important to note that before installing these barriers to control the noise pollution ensure there is no gap left between the barriers. This is because sound waves travel in a straight direction, and a little gap will let the sound wave move inside your place.
  4. Sounds Generated from Atmosphere: This may also be surprising, how the sounds of the atmosphere can disturb someone. But this is true. There are lots of people around us who are scared of the thundering sounds from clouds or sounds of sky lightning, or wind storms. However, there are different types of earbuds that help to control the impacts of sounds, but as the long use of these buds affects the hearing efficiency, installing environmental acoustic earbuds is the best way to fight against this problem.

Conclusion: Acoustic barriers are the best way to stop the impacts of all types of noise pollution, whether it is from the environment or the sources around you.
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