What are the six pillars of Digital Marketing?

Posted by Ram Tech
Sep 30, 2022

Digital Marketing acts as a pillar which supports your marketing and business goals, by applying digital technologies and media. Here comes the big picture, to be successful in any Digital Marketing you need to have the mastery of details to compete across the main digital platforms that research to find and select products. To acquire the market digitally you need to hire a good Digital Marketing Company in Jaipur, India. The algorithms used to power Facebook, Instagram, Google, LinkedIn, and the publishers control your visibility and how much you pay, so to get visibility digital marketers to need to get to grips with the latest techniques.

Before proceeding with the review making about different channels that make up Digital Marketing, it's useful to quite useful to understand the business nature like what owners are wanting to know what they need to invest in a top level and what ROI they will get in Return. There should be specified budget to be assigned to Digital Marketing for this year and they want to ensure their team are spending time on the right activities and investing in the right types of media to get a positive return.

Six Pillars of Effective Digital Marketing

1. Planning and Governance

- Strategic initiative

- Marketing Integration

- Digital Transformation

- Business and revenue models

- Budgets and ROI

- Systems, structure and processes

- Resources and skills

- Marketing technology



2. Goals and Measurement

- Forecasts

- Digital KPI's

- Digital dashboards

- Customer Profiles

- Attribution



3. Media

- Paid Media

- Owned Media

- Earned Media

- Offline /Online Integration

- Always on and Campaign Investments



4. Content

- Content Marketing Strategy

- Top-Funnel-(TOFU)

- Middle- Funnel - (MOFU)

- Bottom of Funnel (BOFU)



5. Experience

- Website Customer Journey

- Landing Pages

- Multichannel path to purchase

- Conversion rate of optimization

- Personalization



6. Conversational Message

- E-mail Marketing

- Mobile Message

- Human- assisted chat

- Automation and CRM


Do focus on all these important regardless of the size of business. These pillars helps to understand about the strategies about digital media platforms, importantly all of them are quiet necessary. Creating an effective digital experience, messaging and quality content to fuel and boost your digital strategy are all vital too. Structure your marketing plan around a funnel proven to boost performance.

Before closing my Article about Digital Marketing, let me introduce you the most demanding techniques to perform Digital Marketing.

The 17 Types of Digital Media activities forming digital marketing

1.      Search engine marketing

2.       Social media marketing

3.       Digital advertising

4.       Digital PR

5.       Pay-per-click PPC

6.       Paid social

7.       Affiliate marketing

8.       Organic search (SEO)

9.       Organic social

10.   Native advertising

11.   Guest blogging

12.   Co-branding

13.   In-house email/push

14.   Backlinks

15.   Influencer outreach

16.   Co-marketing

17.   Partner emails


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