What are the six key pillars of a digital marketing strategy?

Posted by Marta Jordan
May 30, 2024
Traditional principles in digital marketing continue to serve as the foundation for successful strategies. One enduring framework that holds significance is the 6 Ps —Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People and Performance. Each of these elements plays a role in shaping and implementing strategies that resonate with digital consumers. Let's consider how your business can apply these principles to elevate your marketing endeavours.
1. Product

The concept of "product" in digital marketing goes beyond what you offer for sale; it also encompasses how you showcase it online. It's essential to grasp how your offerings not only fulfil needs but also address the issues faced by your online audience. This understanding leads to adapting and developing products tailored specifically for the market. 
Presenting your product online is vital—it should be prominently featured on your website and social media platforms with high-quality images, descriptions and engaging videos that effectively highlight its features and advantages. This enhances the experience for users.
2. Price

Pricing strategies in the digital world must be agile and responsive, utilising real-time data insights from platforms. This involves using tools that provide insights into competitors' pricing strategies, enabling you to adjust your prices as and when needed. 
Another effective method is psychological pricing, which leverages emotional responses such as charm pricing to be $9.99 instead of $10 to create the perception of a lower-priced product.
Furthermore, offering time-based discounts and exclusive Internet deals can drive conversions and increase online engagement, making them valuable components of a comprehensive digital pricing approach.
3. Place

'Place' in digital marketing refers to how and where your product is made available to potential customers, emphasising the importance of optimising digital touchpoints. A diverse online presence is essential – reach your audience through a combination of your website, online marketplaces and social media channels to engage with the widest customer base possible. 
Additionally, enhancing your content for search engines through SEO and Local SEO is crucial for enhancing visibility. Local SEO specifically targets consumers by promoting your products in geographical regions, thereby boosting the effectiveness of your digital 'place' strategy.
4. Promotion

Promotion in the digital space involves utilising various tools and platforms to engage with your target audience effectively.
Content marketing involves creating content to inform your audience as well as boost brand awareness and loyalty. Social media campaigns utilise ads and organic posts to engage users on their platforms. Email marketing is also essential; personalised campaigns can nurture leads. Turn them into customers by providing tailored content and deals that cater to their interests. 
Additionally, integrating branded merchandise, like custom t-shirts, pens and mugs, into your efforts can significantly increase brand visibility and recognition, acting as reminders while strengthening the connection with your audience.
5. People

People play a role in every digital strategy, encompassing not only your target market but all stakeholders involved in your online presence. Providing customer service is vital and can be achieved through chatbots, live chats and prompt responses on socials —all contributing to enhanced satisfaction and loyalty. Additionally, prioritising user experience (UX) is crucial; designing websites and apps with easy to navigate interfaces ensures visitors have efficient experiences.

Motivating your staff to act as advocates for the business on their social media pages can greatly boost trust and expand your presence, making employee advocacy an important aspect of your overall digital marketing strategy. Encouraging the use of promotional products in Australia to support their initiatives can strengthen this approach. Gifting  items like clothing, backpacks and other goods used in daily routines helps promote your brand visually, boosting its presence and reputation on different platforms.
6. Performance 

Performance plays a role in the marketing mix, especially in the digital world, where metrics and data can be continuously monitored. This sixth element focuses on evaluating the efficiency of your tactics through analytics and measurement. By using tools to track website traffic, conversion rates and engagement levels, marketers can gain insights into which strategies are effective and which may require adjustments, enabling real-time optimisation of their approaches. The focus on return on investment ensures that every initiative contributes positively to business goals, including assessments of cost per acquisition and profit margins.
By incorporating ‘performance’ as an element alongside traditional Ps in your digital marketing, you transform the framework into a more dynamic model that not only plans and implements strategies, but also rigorously evaluates and improves the effectiveness of these efforts.
Integrating these elements into your marketing plan aligns you with established principles and customises them to suit the modern digital space. By examining and perfecting your strategy in these six areas, you can successfully engage with your target audience, differentiate yourself in a competitive market and experience solid business expansion. Whether you run a business or work as a marketer in a company, these guidelines will assist you in creating effective digital plans that yield outcomes. 
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