What Are The Preparations You Can Take For Your First Valentine's Day?

Posted by Nitish Rana
Jan 12, 2018

Life is empty without a good healthy romance. I don’t believe in being romantic for a particular day. I believe in love throughout the year. But there’s one day I still feel excited about- the Valentine’s Day. I don’t think it as a special day to be romantic, but I consider this as a day to celebrate love. Even when I was single, I use to celebrate Valentine’s Day with people I love and care about. Valentine’s is all about celebrating love. It is a day when you pamper your beloved and yourself with gifts, red roses, candlelight dinners under the sky, and long walks to talk. Single people can do all of this with their friends or people they love, and couples can get busy in their own world. So in case, it is your first Valentine’s Day with someone special, you can use the following tips to make it memorable.

Dress up

Ok, I know most of the guys feel more comfortable in shorts and t-shirts. But if you expect the girl to dress up like a lady for you, you need to suit up like a gentleman too. It’s not about the suit; it is a gesture which says that you are making efforts for her/him.

Dinner Arrangements

This one could be tricky as most of us go with dinner reservations in hotels, which is okay but I would recommend discussing with your partner. You can discover that he/she may like having dinner on the rooftop with open sky rather than a fancy meal in a 5-star hotel. So before you make dinner reservations, please discuss and make it interesting for both of you.


This is essential for both the genders. Giving a gift is not easy, you need to know what the other person may need or like to receive. It sends a feeling of care towards your partner; it shows that you see him/her and are concerned about them. You can paper gift bags with handles to carry the gift.


The reason I mentioned this is because many people are being health conscious and opting for non-alcoholic beverages.  So you may want to think again about that bottle of wine you wanted to drink. You should make sure what he/she wants to drink. Maybe the other person like beer or just water, you need to make sure as it is an essential item for dinner.


I don’t think I need to say this but for shy people out there, make more physical contact. When I say physical contact I mean to touch hands, to look straight into eyes. There nothing wrong in being intimate and especially on the Valentine’s Day.

Another critical fact to remember is that it’s a day for you to forget about everything else and be free with your loved one. Maintain the mystery of the gifts with the white paper gift bags. So go ahead express yourself and make the best of the moment.

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