What are the different types of sports injuries and the treatments should be given?

Posted by Zara Smith
Sep 30, 2019

To know more about the different types of sports injuries are, here is a list of the most common ones and how they should be treated.

Sports injuries essentially occur when one works out or when participating in a sport. Despite the fact that these types of injuries are most common in children, adults who work out a lot or even athletes might also end up suffering from them occasionally.

There could be many reasons as to why you might have sustained a sports injury. The reasons include being inactive, lack of warming up and playing a contact sport.

Types of Sports Injuries:

There are many sports injuries that one might come across. Listed below are some of the most common sports injuries that ail people.

  • Strains:

A strain usually happens when one overstretches their muscles and ends up tearing them. This could also happen in the tendons of your body. Tendons are essentially tissues that end up connecting the bone to the muscles.

  • Swollen muscles:

Despite the fact that more often than not, swelling is a reaction to some sort of a muscle injury or another, it does not make the swelling any less irritating. The muscles which end up swelling due to an injury also end up becoming weaker as the swelling increases and is a painful experience too.

  • Sprains:

Sprains might just be the most common sports injury that a sports injury treatment centre may come across. A sprain occurs when one ends up overstretching or tearing their ligament when doing any activity. Ligaments are tissues that are responsible for joining two bones to one another with the help of a joint.

  • Injury of the Rotator Cuff

Did you that the rotator cuff that is present in your body essentially ends up working because of four pieces of muscles that work together? The shoulder is where your rotator cuff is present, and this is the reason that your shoulder is able to move in different directions without much difficulty. Out of the four muscles that support the working of the rotator cuff, even if one gets torn, then the working of the rotator cuff itself can weaken.

The treatment:

In any physiotherapist centre in Delhi or even in FMT services there are four particular things that they follow when it comes to the treatment for sports injuries.

This is usually referred to as the RICE method. The following are what the RICE method includes:

  • Rest: supposed to be followed 24 to 36 hours post an injury. The RICE method starts with resting the injured area. Your body needs time to recover, hence rest is exceptionally important.
  • Ice: icing the injury spot will help ease the pain that you might be experiencing and decrease inflammation to a great extent.
  •  Compression: post the icing, consult your sports injury treatment centre as to what kind of compression you ought to use on the injury to help it get better
  • Elevation: Elevating the injured area helps in many cases, especially in cases of a wound.

It is of the utmost importance to know the kind of injury you are suffering from so do remember to consult your physiotherapist centre in Delhi to find out how to go about it.

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