How Does Physical Therapy Help With Osteoarthritis?
Arthritis might just be one of the most irritating degenerative disease there exists. However, there are many ways via which one can manage and reduce the pain that this disease causes. Have a look.
Were you aware about the fact that arthritis happens to be one of the leading causes of disability across the world? You see, what essentially happens in arthritis is that the joints of the body end up suffering from inflammation and pain. The pain however is not just restricted to these joints but also reverberates throughout the body eventually if not treated or managed.
Let's just put one thing out there first; arthritis cannot be cured. But the good news is that this disease is one where there is improvement seen when one improves one’s overall health.
Have a look at some of the tips and tricks that enable you to do just that.
We do understand that it might sound slightly counterproductive when we talk about working out especially when one is already suffering from pain due to arthritis. However, trust us when we tell you that working out can actually help in easing the pain to a great extent.
Every time that you visit a pain management centre, you will be surprised to find that most of them will always recommend certain exercises to help your arthritis pain get better.
So why should one workout when they are already experiencing pain you ask? You see, of the many things that the right exercises can do for a person suffering from arthritis, keep the joints from becoming stiff. Other than this, it also helps make the circulation better leading to healing the joints better and quicker.
From exercises like cycling and walking to swimming or even yoga, a lot of workouts can help in making you feel better quite effectively. However the key to make sure you do not over do it is to indulge specifically in low-impact workouts. This is what, in the end, will help with the pain.
Always be mindful about the kind of workouts you are doing. If you are still unsure, then it is best to visit some of the best pain management doctors you can find to ensure you are doing it right.
Our diet has a huge impact on our lives without a doubt and arthritis is no exception to the rule. Even in this situation, your diet could potentially be making your arthritis worse too! Here are a few foods your ought to avoid if you are someone who is suffering from osteoarthritis.
- Gluten
- sugar
- tomatoes
- dairy
Foods to include
Fish oils and foods that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids
spicy foods as they help in reducing inflammation to a great extent.
Other Ways to ease the pain:
Massage or even acupuncture (helps stimulate the natural healing properties of the body as it increases the circulation)
creams and over the counter medicines (proceed with caution and consult your doctor first)
Bathe with lukewarm water and salt
We truly hope that these pointers are able to shed light on the various ways that will help decrease any pain that you might be experiencing due to your arthritis.
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