What Are the Causes and Risk Factors for Cervical Spondylosis?

Mar 3, 2022
Cervical spondylosis is a situation that affects the neck. This condition is most often caused by aging and is not progressive. Treatment involves removing the source of pressure on the spinal cord, stabilization using implants, or fusion of vertebrae. Surgical treatment for cervical spondylosis is not commonly performed, and is considered a last resort only if the affected person is unable to walk or perform other activities. Its Suggested by Best spine surgeon in India. Diagnosis of cervical spondylosis involves a number of tests. Diagnostic procedures typically include reflex testing, checking for muscle weakness, and nerve function. Doctors will also perform a physical exam to determine the extent of the condition and the severity of the symptoms. A CT scan of the neck can be used to evaluate for abnormalities and a x-ray can be performed to provide detailed images of the vertebrae and spine.

While aging is a natural part of the process, changes to the spine are not. The wear and tear process likely begins in the mid-thirties, but the disease can develop at any age. The symptoms of cervical spondylosis can range from mild to severe and can occur at any age. If you have suffered an injury to your neck in the past, it may increase your risk.

When left untreated, cervical spondylosis can cause serious injuries including tetraplegia and paraplegia. It can cause a variety of other complications, including pressure sores and chest infections. The spinal cord can become damaged permanently. It's best to seek treatment for this condition right away if you're experiencing pain. Your doctor will determine the underlying cause and recommend a course of treatment.

Its symptoms include local neck pain and radiation, numbness, paresthesia, and upper limb myelopathy. It can also result in a weakened spine. Although most cases respond to treatment, one in 10 patients will develop chronic pain and eventually require surgery. As a result, the symptoms of cervical spondylosis can lead to permanent damage of the spinal cord.

When diagnosed with cervical spondylosis, the outlook for most patients is good. Most cases respond to treatment, although symptoms can recur over time. If the condition is left untreated, the pain can recur and a patient's life expectancy may decrease. Despite the positive outlook, the condition can be life-threatening if not properly managed.

While the causes of cervical spondylosis are unknown, there is an increased risk of aging. Over time, the cervical spine wears out, and the aging process can result in degeneration of the cartilage. As a result, a person suffering from cervical spondylosis will have difficulty in lifting his or her arms or legs. They may experience balance problems. 

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