What are the Best Tips for Chemically Treated Hair?

Posted by Lakme Salon
Jan 28, 2022

Straightening, colouring and other chemical hair treatments, as we all know, do a fantastic job of giving you a new look. However, if not handled properly, these chemical treatments can cause significant damage to your hair. After a while, the chemicals cause your hair to become dry, coarse and fragile. To keep chemically treated hair manageable, beautiful and long-lasting, give your mane some extra care and attention even at home.

Here are a few things you can do to manage your chemically-treated hair:

  1. Select the right product for maintenance

If your hair is weak because of all the chemical treatments, then make sure the shampoo and conditioner you're using aren’t exacerbating the problem. Ordinary products would most certainly dry out your hair; instead, go for nutrient-rich, moisturising alternatives, as well as ones aimed specifically at mending and protecting coloured or chemically straightened strands like De Fabulous shampoo.

  1. Don’t over wash

It's not a good idea to wash chemically treated hair every day, because it tends to dehydrate and lose moisture. Using hot water and shampoo too much, even the ones that claim to help, can deplete your hair's critical nutrients. Don't wash more than every other day and don't skip the conditioner.

  1. Handle with care

Hair that has been coloured or chemically straightened can become exceedingly delicate and easily snap, especially when wet. Instead of brushing your locks while they're still damp, use a leave-in detangler and a wide-toothed comb to sort out any knots, starting at the bottom.

  1. Trim regularly

Dry and split ends are common in chemically treated hair. It is a good idea to visit the salon around once a month to have the dead, dehydrated tips clipped out in order to deal with this problem and avoid weakening it further. This will not only protect your hair from splitting and fragility, but it will also maintain it looking and feeling smooth and healthy.

  1. Mask

Applying deep conditioning hair treatment products such as De Fabulous treatment to your coloured or dried-out locks once a week is a smart approach. For best results, ask your hair expert for recommendations.

  1. Sun protect

Our hair, like our skin, is susceptible to sun damage, and chemically treated hair is especially vulnerable to this. It's a good idea to invest in a sunblock for your hair to minimise the drying effects of UVA and B. Sprays, balms and defensive shampoos and conditioners are just a few of the options available in the market.

Tips for chemically treated hair:

  • Choose your shampoo and conditioner with care. A gentle, alcohol and sulphate-free cleanser is required for brittle hair (paraben-free for added protection). Choose products that are specifically created for chemically treated/coloured hair, with moisturising, nutrient-rich and damage-repair features

  • Applying a deep conditioning mask for five to 10 minutes (or as directed on the product) can also be beneficial. Natural oils such as almond, olive and coconut oil will keep your hair looking bouncy and bright.

  • Instead of using hot water to wash your hair, use lukewarm or cold water to rinse it.

  • Instead of using a towel to dry your hair, use a satin cloth or an old tee. Towelling the hair dries it out and causes friction, making it frizzy and dull.


Most women nowadays have changed the colour or structure of their hair in some way, and regrettably, this has resulted in damage or weakening. You'll need to invest some time and effort in treatments and products that protect, strengthen and moisturise your dyed, straightened or curled tresses in order to keep them looking healthy and shiny.

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