What are the benefits of IVF Treatment

Posted by Neha Nitu
Nov 30, 2018
IVF helps many patients who are unable to conceive their baby through natural process. IVF is a process in which a woman is injected with hormonal injections to ensure the growth of multiple eggs in a single cycle.Once the eggs have reached a certain level of maturity, they are retrieved outside the female body and sperm from male body will be taken and meet outside the body in a laboratory. 

When fertilization will occur than the embryo is again sent back to the female's uterus. After some time a pregnancy test is given by the female and if the result is positive then you are pregnant.

Here are some benefits for undergoing IVF Treatment :-

  • For women with blocked or damaged fallopian tubes, IVF provides the best opportunity of having a child using their own eggs.
  • Couples with a male infertility problem will have a much higher chance of conceiving with IVF than conceiving naturally.
  • 1 in 7 couples will suffer fertility problems and sometimes these remain undiagnosed. IVF is best option for them.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome is common condition in which there is a hormone imbalance leading to irregular menstrual cycles. IVF has proved very successful in patients with PCOS.
  • Women with premature ovarian failure or menopause can have IVF treatment using donor eggs.

IVF can be more successful than IUI. Choose best centers and doctor for your IVF treatment.
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