What are bad habits in WordPress Website Maintenance?

Posted by Nandan Goda
Sep 26, 2022

WordPress is a popular content management system that has been around for over 10 years. It powers more than half of websites on the internet, including some big brands like CNN and Facebook. 

WordPress's popularity means that it has a lot of users who are looking to improve their site by adding extra features or fixing bugs. 

However there are many things you can do wrong with your WordPress website, but these won't impact the overall performance of your site and may even prevent you from reaching your goal.

Not Using Cache on Your Website

The cache is a feature in WordPress that stores data on your site. When you visit the same URL again, WordPress will serve up the cached version of the page rather than redownload it from its server.

The benefits of caching are numerous:

  • It reduces load time for visitors by reducing unnecessary HTTP requests.

  • It speeds up load times when they come back to your site after visiting another one (if they're logged into Facebook or Twitter). This can make them feel like they're getting faster results than before, even though no code has changed at all!

Ignoring Website Security

Security is a major concern for many WordPress websites. As per the developer who provides WordPress development service website has its own security threats, so it's important to know how to secure your WordPress site.

A crucial step in securing a website is understanding the dangers and then making sure that you're on top of them. The next in line are: 

  • Don't use public wifi because it could be hacked or monitored by someone else (like an attacker).

  • Use strong passwords (more than 8 characters long). They should contain special characters like letters and numbers, symbols, spaces and even punctuation marks! You should change these every few months because they get easy to guess over time if they're not kept up-to-date enough.

Not Having a Mobile Version of Website

A mobile version of your website is important just for maintenance but also SEO. Google uses three factors to determine whether or not to rank a site at the top of search results:

  • Relevancy - how relevant is this page compared to other pages in my search results?

  • User Experience - how easy is it for me as a user (i.e., what's wrong with it)?

  • Interaction - how well does this page engage me in terms of scrolling down and interacting with content on each page?

Using Poor Web Hosting
  • You might be surprised to learn that a poor web hosting provider can result in a website that is slow to load and has frequent outages. This can be frustrating for your visitors, who expect their website experience to be smooth.

  • Poor web hosts are more likely to go out of business than good ones because they don't have enough customers or enough money on hand to sustain themselves long-term. They also tend not to provide customer support if something goes wrong with their servers—and when something does go wrong (say, someone loses their data), it's easy for them not even notice!

  • The best thing you can do as an entrepreneur or business owner is to find a reliable host with great customer service so you don't have any problems down the road when things get busy at work or school time rolls around again next year.

Not updating WordPress Versions on Time

Updating WordPress versions is important. If you are not keeping your website up to date, then it will be hard for search engines to find and index your content. This can cause a lot of problems for your site. 

The developer who provides the wordpress development service insists on keeping the WordPress version up-to-date, and so should you.

You should always check if there is a new version available on the WordPress Plugin Repository or through the official website before updating any plugins that are used by your site or blog.


Mostly we do not realize the importance of good habits. When it comes to software, we tend to forget about the good times. We can experience one bad habit and change for a day or two that does not take long to recover from it. 

But the habit will be permanently hurt, so we have to spend time thinking about getting back into this way of life.

So you see, if you have bad habits in WordPress website maintenance, then it is better not to have them at all. 

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