What are Alternative Finance and Fintech firms?

Posted by Chris Bernard
Nov 9, 2018
In today’s fast-paced digital age, small business has much more financing options available to them that were ever possible before. This certainly helps them to grow as an economic entity. One of the ways to have finance or funds is through alternative finance. In this informative article, we shall explain what alternative finance is.

What exactly is alternative finance?

What do we mean by the term alternative finance? Alternative Finance is a form of finance that lies outside the general institutional finance system and of capital markets. Today, the good news is that there are so many custom-tailored alternative invoice finance solution companies in Toronto out there that offer this means of financing, which benefits their client organizations considerably. It offers many processes and services to benefit client companies, such as:

1) Payments and invoicing
2) Small business lending and credit
3) Consumer lending and credit
4) Equity financing and crowd funding
5) International money transfers
6) Insurance
7) Wealth management
8) Consumer banking
9) Capital markets
10) Saving and investments
11) Regulation management
12) Risk management
13) Crypto-currency

Alternative Finance works through the Fintech ecosystem, which is composed of companies, organizations, processes and technology that aim to develop and improve the traditional financing methods.

Now, we have learned a bit about the subject. We have learned what Alternative Financing is. Now it is the time to think about how it actually works.

The Basics of Alternative Finance

What is Fintech?

Fintech means financial technology. In the beginning, the term Fintech was used to refer to the backend technologies which were used in the traditional financial service sector. However, at the dawn of the 21st century, it expanded to accommodate the various new technological advances for the financial service sector such as online lending platforms and crypto currencies. In conclusion, Fintech offers the application of technology in order to augment the performance of financial services.

 What are Fintech companies?

These are more often startups or organizations that are more established. These also include the technology-centered companies that strive to improve on the previous versions of their technologies. In the entire world, it is safe to say that North America has the maximum number of Fintech organizations. Asia has the second highest number of Fintech companies.

What exactly do Fintech companies do?

This is the million-dollar question, is it not? We know what is Alternative Finance, what are some of the services offered and in what environment these are offered. However, till now, we don’t know how these firms function or what they do. Thus, here it is! Fintech firms offer a wide array of products and solutions like crowdfunding platforms, blockchain technology, crypto currency, open banking, smart contracts, invoice factoring, Insurftech, peer-to-peer lending, Regtech and much more.

You shall be glad to know that there are many custom-tailored alternative financing solutions in Edmonton.

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