Ways to Play Music on your Amazon Alexa

Posted by Harry Williams
Jan 24, 2019

Amazon Alexa comes with lots of utilities and convenience. You can also use your smart speaker to play your favorite music. Here, some easy ways are given below and you can use them to play music on your Amazon Alexa.

How to stream music through Alexa App

If you own an Amazon Prime account, then you’ll already have access to thousands of music. Either you’re using Amazon Prime or Amazon Music Unlimited, both services provides pretty much similar streaming service. Amazon Alexa also allows connecting and using other Music services, for example, iHeartRadio, Spotify, Pandora, and so on.


1.    Start the Amazon Alexa application.

If you don’t have one, then you can download it free from Apps Store (iPhone) or Play Store (Android).

2.    After opening the app, touch on ‘Hamburger’ icon at the top-left side of the screen.

3.    Now, go to ‘Music, Video & Books’ section from the main menu.

4.    Select your ‘Alexa’ device to stream music from the device selection dropdown menu. The device selection menu is on the top of ‘Music, Video & Books’ screen.

5.    Under ‘Music’ section you’ll get a list of Music services (iHeartRADIO, Spotify), choose a service for you to stream music.

6.    Now, go through with the on-screen instructions according to the service you’ve selected to finish set up.

To stream music through iHeartRADIO

1.    Open ‘Music, Video & Books’ screen.

2.    Select ‘iHeartRADIO’ form ‘Music section’.

3.    Now, tap on the blue colour text ‘Link your account now’ to link your account.

4.    Now, return to ‘App’.

5.    Navigate to the type of ‘music, radio stations, or podcast that you want to play on your Echo device or request “Alexa” to play it.

How to stream music through your Phone Bluetooth

To connect direct:

Make sure your phone and your Alexa device with the range.

1.    Open your device ‘Bluetooth Settings’.

2.    Now, ask ‘Alexa pair’ to your Alexa device. Your Echo device enters into pairing mode.

3.    Wait & Check for your Alexa device name to show up on your Phone screen and select it from the list.

With ‘Alexa app’:

Before starting, open your phone or tablet’s Bluetooth.

1.    Open your ‘Alexa’ app.

2.    Open ‘Main Menu’.

3.    Go to ‘Settings’.

4.    Choose your ‘Alexa’ device from settings.

5.    Tap on ‘Bluetooth’ option from the settings.

6.    Tap on the blue ‘Pair a new Device’ button.

7.    Now, Wait & Check for your Alexa device name to show up on your Phone screen and tap on it to connect.

Once Alexa is connected with your phone via Bluetooth, you can play music on Alexa with your phone with any music app.

How to stream music through your PC

1.    Open your PC browser.

2.    Go to ‘Amazon Alexa’ page.

3.    Go to ‘sign in’ option and sign in with your Amazon account.

4.    Now, open ‘Settings’.

5.    Click on your ‘Alexa device name’.

6.    Select your ‘Bluetooth’ device.

7.    Click on the blue ‘Pair a New Device’ button.

8.    Now, go to your ‘Windows Settings’.

9.    Go to ‘Devices’.

10.    Go to ‘Bluetooth’ section.

11.    Click on ‘Add a Bluetooth’.

12.    And add your Alexa device with your PC. When Alexa is connected with your PC, you can play your music on Alexa with your PC by iTunes, Windows Media Player, or any other Music app.

Bob Martin is a self-professed security expert; he has been making the people aware of the security threats. His passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. He writes for Norton security products at norton.com/setup.

Source: http://setpnorton.com/

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