Water conservation is fun!

Posted by Katrina O.
Apr 30, 2012
Fun Harvesting Rainwater

When teaching our kids to be Eco-conservative, it is important to make it fun. Rainwater harvesting can be a really fun project for any kid, any age. We only have so much safe drinking water available, and that supply is shrinking. Collecting and using rain water around the house will help conserve water.

There are many ways the collected rainwater can be used. Of course, you should not drink it without first filtering. But rainwater can be perfect for; flushing toilets, watering plants, washing the dishes, and even the laundry. Make a list of other ways that rainwater could be used to save water.

Indiana Water Filters is dedicated to saving safe water all over. We can all do our part, from the tiniest of children, to the oldest wise adults. Conserving water can be a fun and rewarding learning experience.
Stop by our blog and see how you can help educate the next generation. Click here to read the entire post. Bookmark IndianaWaterFilters.org for more ideas for helping our kids understand the importance of saving water.
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