Watch vampire academy 2014 Online megaupload
Watch vampire academy 2014 Online megaupload
Working? It's a shame, but unseemingly, people have actually worked to "achieve" this mess which does not do justice to the hours spent on crafting this turd. Vampire Academy is prematurely the most hilariously bad film of next year, if it in any resembles this early screening, and most likely it will remain, since the only method of improving this film is reshooting the whole bloody affair with a different screenplay. Not possible, me thinks. Even if I put that in my feedback sheet. Was there too much humour in the film? 1 - Just right, 2 - Too much, 3 - Not enough Tricky bastards.
Watch vampire academy 2014 Online megaupload
I put too much by the way, the atrocity of meta humour is just groanworthy. References to films where not welcome. WHY WAS A RANDOM GLADIATOR REFERENCE NECESSARY?! It makes NO sense! For fans of hilariously awful films, Vampire Academy hopefully oughta be high on that list, terribly inept in a way that all filmmakers hope not to become. Mark Waters, why? It's an obvious Mean Girls inspiration, but manages to capture none of the humour or satire, instead choosing two inconsistent, irksome teenage fuckbags of protagonists and a complete lack of plot. They suck at school? They suck at making movies