Walk In Clinics – Ensuring Timely Treatment for Respiratory Infections

Posted by Patrick Ward
May 16, 2022

As pollution levels continue to rise all across the United States, the number of adults and children seeking medical help for respiratory issues is increasing steadily. The reasons for breathing difficulties may be varied such as asthma, allergies, respiratory infections, viral diseases or even obesity. No matter what triggered the breathing issue in the first place, the important thing is to get access to reliable medical treatment as soon as possible. This is where urgent care clinics enter the scene. 

Rushing to emergency rooms may not always be necessary when you are struggling with shortness of breath. If your condition is not too severe or life-threatening, it is best to visit the nearest urgent care clinic for immediate medical help. Known for minimal waiting periods, these immediate care clinics offer the benefit of quick consultation and diagnosis so that you can get started with the treatment and experience relief without much delay. 

More about respiratory issues 

Depending on which part of the respiratory system has been affected, respiratory infections may be classified into upper respiratory issues and lower respiratory issues. While upper respiratory infections affect nose, mouth, throat and sinus, lower respiratory issues impact the lungs and bronchial tubes. Your doctor at the walk in clinic Washington DC will run tests to determine your particular respiratory issue. 

When you experience issues such as congested or stuffy nose that makes breathing difficult, it may probably be an upper respiratory infection. 

Others symptoms of such infections include: 

·       Sore throat

·       Sudden spike in body temperature

·       Pain and soreness of the face

·       Feeling restless and agitated

·       Low activity level and feeling fatigued

·       Poor appetite

·       Feeling irritable

·       Intense coughing making it impossible to lie down

·       Headache 

Although respiratory diseases that affect the lower respiratory system consisting of the lungs and bronchial tubes are not very common, the symptoms of such conditions are comparatively severe such as: 

·       Persistent coughing up of pale yellow, green, or gray mucus from the lungs

·       Intense chest pain that makes deep breathing difficult

·       High fever and chills that may indicate pneumonia

·       Wheezing, shortness of breath, and grunting 

For both upper and lower respiratory infections, the health professionals at walk in clinic Washington DC may suggest an array of blood tests, X-rays, and scans for more precise diagnosis. In addition, these tests also help detect the presence of other respiratory illnesses such as bronchitis, tuberculosis, emphysema, or even asbestosis. 

Why choose urgent care clinics? 

When a person is finding it hard to breathe, the sight can be a scary one even for casual onlookers. The first priority in such situations is to implement measures to offer the patient immediate relief. Visiting a walk in clinic Alexandria VA is the most reliable method to ensure that the patient receives immediate medical attention and necessary treatment. 

Since these clinics remain open way past the working hours of regular clinics, patients can easily access quality medical help even at odd hours when breathing problems generally tend to peak. More importantly, the medical bills at urgent care clinics will be drastically lower than what you would have to pay in emergency rooms. 

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