Using Network Tester To Identify Cable Problems

Posted by Emma F.
May 10, 2013

A network tester is designed to calculate how well your high-speed network cables are performing. As you know, poor performance in these cables can result in damage to work, poor Internet access, and general disruption to the network.

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Main Features Of Network Tester
Network tester has 2 different boxes, which are separate. These boxes are the transmitter and receiver. A basic tester consists of a source of electrical current, a measuring device that shows if the cable is good, and a connection between the two, usually the cable itself.

Network cable tester can be a simple apparatus that merely identifies whether current flows through the cable, or it may be a professional-level, complex device that gives additional information that helps identify the problem. Professional-level network cable testers may not only tell if an open circuit exists, but may identify where the break is located. Some also identify the gauge of wire used and can generate their own signal to test for interference.

Common Problems Of Network Cables
There are a number of problems which can be sorted out by using the network tester, and it will certainly help you to save time trying to find software or hardware solutions.

If a network isn’t working correctly, the problem is frequently user error or other problems. It will rarely be a faulty cable. A network cable tester is more frequently used to tell whether a patch cable will work before it is connected. The cabling should first be examined visually to identify any obvious problems. If everything looks correct, a network cable testing device may then be used.

Basic network cable testers can test for simple connectivity issues but may not identify other problems that cause the cable to malfunction. Cabling may not work when it is near a source of interference or if the cable is too long. Intermittent faults may develop that do not show up when the cable is tested. Sometimes the problem is not sustained long enough to show up on the tester.

How To Use A Network Tester?
Step 1 – Connect the tester

Plug the network cable into both ends of the box, one into the transmitter, and one into the receiver. These boxes are a model of your computer network, so you should be able to easily locate which box is which. Make sure that your cables are fully plugged in before you proceed to the test.

Step 2 - Turn on the tester

Turn on the network cable tester device. The tester will send a signal from one end of the box to the other, and this will be the message which is relayed through the cable, much as would occur in your computer network. Keep the network cable tester connected to the cable at all times during the test, otherwise it will not work.

Step 3 - Read the report from the tester

While the message is being passed from one end of the cable to the other, the network cable tester will be examining the message for faults, and checking that the message has been properly received at the other end. If the tester concludes that this is not the case, and that something has gone wrong, you will find that the tester displays a number of red lights. The differences between the red lights and the green lights which mean that all is working well may not be the same from network cable tester to tester, but you should be able to work out exactly what the problem is with your cable by reading the instructions.

Step 4 - Read the problem

The different lights on your tester are used to send a signal to the person operating the machine. Your manual will give you a complete run-down of what the different patterns of lighting means, and if there is any problem with your cable that should be addressed. Once you have found the problem, remove the cable from the boxes, and return the tester to a safe place.

For cable testing, the network tester provides full cabling testing, displaying wire map, ID, and faults, including shorts, opens, miswires, split pairs, and reverses. The full featured network tester also measures cable length and generates tone levels for signal tracing and cable identification on all pairs, a selected pair, or a selected pin. Fiberstore is a professional manufacturer supplies all kinds of fiber optic tools, including network cable tester, cable stripper, punch down tool, telephone line tester, fiber cable stripper, cable crimping tool, etc.

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